stolen from sarahaha

Jan 01, 2009 01:23

Where did you begin 2008?
in my lounge room, playing guitar hero and forgetting about the countdown.

What was your status by Valentines Day?
forever single

What happened on Valentines Day?

Did you have to go to the hospital?
i did. not for anything major. but i also took mum when she sliced open her hand and we finished the year with a hospital visit, too.

Where did you go on vacation?
nowhere. there were only a few day trips to various places.

What sporting events did you attend/watch?
i watched a footy match and i think that may have been all

What concerts/shows did you go to?
panic! at the disco, foo fighters (was that '08?), slipknot and probably lots more but i'm too tired to think of them

Describe your birthday:
neck like a lobster, major heatstroke, massive bbq gathering, family, friends old and new, wii challenges, baby (not mine obv)

What is the one thing you thought you would not do, but did, in 2008?
got out of the officeworks mayhem

What has been your favorite moments?
my birthday had some good points, making new friends, rekindling my jew flame

Made new friends?

Favourite Night out?
nothing really springs to mind. i've had some good times though

Other than home, where did you spend most of your time?
officeworks and the passports office, shoppo, at friends houses

Change your hairstyle?
i've changed the colour twice. thankfully it's back to my natural colour

Did you have a New Years resolution?
not that i remember

Get married or divorced?

Get arrested?

Are you happy to see 2008 go?

What are you mostly looking forward to?
changing my life

Do you think you will change?
no, but i will definitely try

Do you want to change?
oh hell yes

Will you be changing your hair colour?
i sure hope not

Who will you be spending NYE with?
i spent it with friends and with family at various times

What will your new years resoloution be?
one that i won't bother explaining on here

Do you reckon you will grow?

Do you want to gain friends?

Do you reckon you will loose some?

Will you go on any camps?
i hope so, it's something i'd like to do

Are you thinking of doing any new sports?
yeah probably. not sure what sports yet

Are you excited for your birthday next year?

Will you have a job?
i sure hope so

Whats something bad happening next year?
people having surgery, all my dental work, whatever else will pop up. cause something surely will

Are you excited for next year?

Will 09 be the year?
god, i hope so
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