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puellamagia August 9 2015, 03:45:46 UTC
the sun shone down, a lovely summer day, as a group of girls arrived nearby, carrying beach bags and towels and coolers and other supplies needed for a proper stay at the beach, cute swimsuits revealed upon their slender bodies.
"Ah, another beautiful day!" Madoka commented happily as she twirled around, holding onto Homura's hand.
"Indeed it is." Mami replied, looking around "Hm. what do you think, girls? Shall we settle down on this spot here?"
"Looks like a good spot as any" Kyoko shrugged, snagging a piece of fruit from the cooler before Mami could put it down.
they put up the parasol and spread out their towels upon the sand, settling down.
The green haired girl, Hanako, watched her new friends shyly, wondering if she should add any input to their conversations, but she couln't really think of anything f her own. As she gazed out over the ocean, she caught sight of the figure lying on the shore "Hm? Oh! there's someone over there! I think unconcious!"
"huh?" the other girls looked over "hey!! you're right!"
Sayaka and Kyoko ran over to the girl layin down. Sayaka knelt down and shook her shoulder "hey. you ok?"


tokikaze_murasa August 9 2015, 04:38:09 UTC
As sayaka knelt down, the girl would seem vaguely familiar to Sayaka at least if not to madoka and nagisa as well. The girl soon begun to stir slightly her eyes opening showing silverish blue eyes which slowly begun to look back at Kyoko and Sayaka softly and perhaps slightly surprised.

"Ok..Ok....prin.......princess...ok..Okta......Oktavia...Great...Theif...or..orphelia....what are you...two..doing here..or rather...where are..we..did we....maange to retreat.........to orphelia's.....home of....the shore of the...blue kingdom? Is father.....i...mean Captain Nagashiro.....here...was he the one bringing up....the retreat?"


puellamagia August 9 2015, 04:45:59 UTC
"Oh good, yu're awake at least! Still, we should get you dried up and all." [she helped the girl sit up, supporting her back. She tried to remember where she knew this girl from. Then her words sunk in , and it dawned on Sayaka] "Oh! Jillian! It's you!" Sayaka gave her a hug "Man it's great to see you!"
[She remembered Jillian from the magical girl heaven, but even more important, she was a close friend in her past life as Oktvia]


tokikaze_murasa August 9 2015, 18:17:10 UTC
Jilian at that begun to stir as she begun to sit up only for her fatigue to stop her from getting up fully but did hug back
"Prin.......princess.....Okta......Oktavia...Great...Theif...or..orphelia..., how did you...when did you or rather...where are we?
I remember we were supposed to be fighting the....gold kingdom......i forget....but are.we...at Ophelia's chruch....don't tell me i was defeated......in a bout or something.....i hope your mermaid heritage is not....troubling you." she then hugged Sayaka closely though Sayaka should maybe have noticed something was off with Jillian.


puellamagia August 9 2015, 19:22:33 UTC
The giold kingdom? Mermaid heritage? Huh, so that meant that jilian was still from the past, maybe before she went into stasis with the ex incubators.
" dont worry jillian, the war is long over, and everything is all right. Were in another world, called infinity. And, time is messed up here. Speaking of that" she rubbed her head, smiling apologetically " im sorry, but im not really princess oktavia anymore. I got reincarnated. My name is sayaka miki now. But dont worry, i remember all about our tomes tigether."
Kyoko stared dubiously. She dis not know, or rather not remembered who this girl was. Thiugh madoka did tell her about their past lives. So this girl was from then, huh


tokikaze_murasa August 10 2015, 01:05:17 UTC
Jillian at that held her.head.. "Reincarnated?.......wait........something is wrong......i remember something,,,,,wait......time loops .........Hachibei,Gobei and Nanbei....looking after me........i remember.......Candleoro,,,,,,,,,helping us....to save.....other magical girls....Rosalie did...help me as my other self......" Jillian held herself as she said no more as she tried to remember more. "Why.....i see so much....blanks..."


puellamagia August 10 2015, 01:20:43 UTC
[Sayaka sighed and helped Jillian up] "We'll explain everything soon. But for now, let's get you dried up."
Kyoko helped carry Jillian back to the spot where the other girls got up , curious.
"Is she all right?" Mami asked
"Seems like it. Just tired and confused" they gently put Jillian down and wrapped a towel around her wet body.
Madoka peered closer and perked up "Oh? Is that Jillian? She came too?"
Mami tilted her head '"Jillian??"
"A fellow magical girl! Hi Jillian it's good to see you again!" Madoka hugged her happily "Welcome!"


tokikaze_murasa August 10 2015, 02:38:50 UTC
Jillian looked up at that smiling as Kyoko carried her iver ti thr ither girls.
At that she gingerly helped wrapped the towel to dry herself though her wet leather armour and wet cloth did stick to her body.
Jillian at that shivered as she felt Madoka hug her along despite Jillian and her clothes being wet.


puellamagia August 10 2015, 02:50:10 UTC
"Mm-hm! That's me!" Madoka let go, still smiling. Sayaka sat down next to them.
"So judging by your questions, I guess you just arrived here, huh Jillian?" Sayaka ruffled through her bag to see if she had some dry clothes for Jillian.

Hanako stood to the side, watching them. Her timidity over came her again at the arrival of the new girl. Still, she did seem familiar. The other girls seemed to know her well.


tokikaze_murasa August 10 2015, 04:01:37 UTC
"Maybe......i don't remember.....i saw....a dark shadow..,......human like figure.......with long dark....wings...and then i remember blocking...a blast with Rosalie....She and I were both blocking it when.....a blast hit us on the......head.....then........i saw.5 or maybe 7......shards split from.....me......." Jillian at that looked.at Hanako and blushed as she felt her old love in the timelines for Hanako manifest though Jillian did know that....yet.


puellamagia August 10 2015, 04:45:02 UTC
"Shards?" Sayaka tilted her head "Shards of what?
Homura, currently in the form of her more meek, glasses and pigtails wearing self, cringed. From what she could remember of the various timelines, her demon self has battled with Jillian a couple times, , and if Jillian was right form that time, then this may be awkward.
"Ah, Mami, Kyouko, Hnako. This is Jillian, a fellow magical girl from our past lives, and the magical girl heaven."
"Um,, hello," hanako mumbled, fidgeting. she wondered what she meant by past lives and magical girl heaven.


tokikaze_murasa August 10 2015, 11:59:06 UTC
Jillian held her head slightly at that.
"I....don't...remember much........unfortunately.....It looked....like crystals..or rather shards of them.....i remember seeing those shard fly ahead of....me....well the blast that i...blocked was not exactly....easy to...block....from start to...end..it was just so.....well powerful....then again...i don't remember much of quite a few things...like as though parts of my memory as missing.....I also can't seem to be able to hear Rosalie....my...other half...or was it that i could....have forgotten how.."

Jillian at that waved weakly to Hanako in responce to Hanako's greeting. From how things are looking, it may be possible that Jillian could have lost her memories and has amnesia


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puellamagia August 10 2015, 16:35:29 UTC
[the other girls were concerned at her shakiness and words]
"there there, I'm sure it will probably come back to you before long. It seems like you're still in shock. you just need to rest." Mami magicked up a cup of warm, gold colored tea and placed it in jillians hands "here you should drink this"


tokikaze_murasa August 10 2015, 16:43:50 UTC
Jillian at that gingerly sat up and took a good sip of the tea smiling slightly. "Ahh..it tastes great, just like at well...hmm, Mitakihara and at the gold kingdom guest house. I know the second one though i remember vaguely drinking this tea with all of you in this city...called Mitakihara. This is strange." Jillian at that sighed as she drank more of the tea as it helped clear her head and give her back some energy which made her smile sightly wider. "Thank you very much, duchess Candleoro."


puellamagia August 10 2015, 16:53:37 UTC

you are very welcome, Jilliane dear." Mami offered her a little tray of cakes as well, not questioning why she knew her witch name, or the duchess title.
Sayaka rubbed her chin "yeah, does sound like your memories are mixed up. Sounds like you're mostly remembering your time from 200 years ago, yet you also have some quick memories of when you woke up and met us in the 21st century."


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