No event// I'm hiding, I'm hiding and no one knows where...

Oct 05, 2012 23:15

....because all they can see is my tail and my hair...

Having had made himself comfortable in the mansion of Sebastian and Ciel, Thackery stretches out luxuriously under the bed of said demon butler, lazily trying to decide weather to come out or nap some more, when his ears twitch.

What was that sound he had not heard before?

He pokes his head from under the bed, sniffs the air, and sneezes.

There was that sound again!

There!  That was the sound of the object...a vacuum!

Hissing as he backed up towards the other end of the bed, Thackery felt his fur stand up on end, as his ears flattened to his head as he hissed.

True, he knew that the house was getting cleaned, but that still doesn't mean he's not scared of the object making the noise!

series: kuroshitsuji, series: hocus pocus

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