Event: Monsooooooon!

Sep 01, 2010 11:24

**Here in Infinity Park is Bayard, happily rolling about on his back, because one can never really get enough rolling in dirt,whee!!!.

He pauses long enough to spot a cloud forming over him, and figuring it was just passing through, he continued to roll on the ground, until some drops of rain started to fall on him.  The hound got up and shook off the dirt and glanced at the sky as more clouds started to form above him.**

I'd better get somewhere dry before it rains!

**The hound then makes his way over to an abandoned building but never reaches the door, due to the rain pouring down on him and catching him in a swift current.

Rescue?  Watch the dog try to swim to shore?  It's up to you Infinity!**

series: alice in wonderland

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