[Hei's slowly starting to get used to how open the city is. As free from the Syndicate as he could be, he wasn't worried very much at all about himself. He's been worried about his friend who got left behind, whose life was in danger
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"It sounds strange, don't you think? Could it be it is the same for everything else here?"
[Sync spoke to Hei, as the man gave him the food--he seemed relaxed about this whole thing but in a way he was convinced that this had to be some kind of strange afterlife. Even if it were called a 'nexus', it was just too convenient and he knew he couldn't be brought back to life by being sent here after his death. So obviously, he was dead and that was that. Although, he never thought it would be like this -- he wondered if he could still use his abilities here; he still felt hunger though...was the afterlife designed to make them feel human?]
I'd say it could... I've never been to a city this friendly. [As soon as the plate and silverware are placed on the counter, he digs in.]
Neither have I. Apparently, it is called a 'nexus'.
[The green-haired boy pauses, looking back at his food -- thinking and wondering if Van had succeeded; just because he saw an older-looking Anise here doesn't mean in his universe, his world, that they hadn't succeeded.]
How long have you been here?
So I've been told.
[Let him think for a sec.] A week... Yeah, at least that long. How about yourself? [Hei resumed eating as he listened to what the stranger has to say.]
A few days. However, I have been elsewhere the same as this for more than a year -- although things were different in terms of appearances.
[Now, it would be Sync's turn to listen after he asked this question:]
Would you happen to know of other distinct qualities of the city?
Hei wasn't given much of an explanation when he arrived. During the first few days, he was constantly moving around and finding stuff out for himself.
Sync's happened to ask the right person, for he knows quite a bit.]
Well... I heard the city every now and then shifts, in which is strange. Aside from almost anyone appearing day to day. And there are strange goings on, curses or events that happen at random for no apparent reason.
[That other thing Sync mentioned earlier seemed to grab his attention almost right away. Interesting. Very interesting. As his alias, Hei let this curiosity flow naturally through the good natured Li.] You say you've been to another place like this though? Really?
[Back to devouring ( ... )
...If there is someone in charge here, I would love to kick his ass.
[Because really, it was only a matter of time before he encountered the weird events...or worse, curses.]
Yes. Can't say it wasn't as exciting as Infinity, however. There weren't any strange 'events' that occurred, aside from me speaking to two acquaintances.
[And he resumes eating once again.]
I don't know. I think I'd like to only talk with him. Ask questions and find out why Infinity exists. [He would too, either as Li or in a confrontation as his true Contractor self.]
[While twirling a fork into the last of his noodles on the current plate...] I see. Just plain weird, huh... At least there wasn't any danger, right?
[Hei places his fork beside his empty plate] Wow. [It's that shy smile again.] Sounds like torture. [He said the last part in a sort of joking manner.]
Really? You seem to consume a lot.
[He's done eating his own dish by now; although the smirk hasn't exactly left his face.]
It is, trust me.
[And it is not only Hei who could speak in a joking (albeit sarcastic way) tone, but Sync as well.]
Hei's a smiling fool. At the remark about his appetite, he lets out a brief chuckle.] It's a genetic kind of thing. On my father's side.
[Yeah, he thinks that's actually true. It's been so long since he's seen his parents alive... He was twelve at the time when he and his older sister were taken by strangers, and when the stars and moon in the night sky disappeared.]
[Hei actually thinks this guy is alright. It'd really, really suck if he ever got mixed up in his more serious business. It wouldn't be as fun to be around him otherwise.]
Oh, I believe you... I know I'd have headaches if I were stuck in that situation.
[Since it was just them talking, the manager takes the cue to visit his customers again.] Seconds, anyone? [Turns to Hei.] Or sixths? I couldn't help but overhear. That's a strange genetic trait for a person to have.
[Hei's response to that is a quiet ( ... )
[Sync said, although it was like he was mentally comparing him to Mohsalthough there was less on the 'surprise' in his tone and instead had took on a quality that was easy to guess he was vaguely teasing him.]
And yes, give me more.
[He nods to Mr. Manager to get him another serving as he takes away their dishes to the kitchen.]
[Faces his new found friend, or acquaintance at least in Hei's terms.] By the way, I'm Li Shengshun. [He holds out his hand, a very human way of greeting. Hei often sees himself as less human, or not quite in the loop of human society.]
[The God General stares at the black-haired man's outstretched hand, something like hesitation welling up inside of him. A flashback of when he had fallen to the core of the world, when that pathetic, weak replica had held out his hand to try to become -friends- with him, came upon him. Feelings of raw disgust--
Was Sync being childish again, just about to not shake one of the few who he's had contact with in a while? For two years, he's spent most of his time alone, secluded in that library before coming here and it was damaging to his already damaged psyche. A thought:
Who would want to shake hands with someone so disgusting?
The green-haired boy saw himself less than human, even comparing himself to something one could consume--meat ( ... )
I'm sorry? I didn't mean to offend... [Making it up as he goes along with yet another nervous smile.] I keep forgetting that some other worlds people seem to be coming from must be very different from my own. [A lie hidden well--Hei's never forgotten anything he's learned about Infinity.]
[The store manager is coming back with their meals, but he hesitates, overhearing Sync's strange tone of voice.]
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