Introduction//No Event~

Mar 02, 2010 10:41

Ashley had been with Tori, on their way back from walking to the diner next to their motel. She was still angry. Haunted motels? Please, that never happened. Maybe we'll go down in history for hunters... As she walked into the room first, she hoped to find Dean and or Sam sitting there researching or protecting the room with salt lines. That's not what she found though.

Instead, she found herself on the sidewalk of a desolute street. "Hell..." Ashley mumbled. Quickly, she ran through her head of what could've done this and pulled her handgun she kept safe in the holster under her jacket. She felt a tiny bit safer already.

((Note: She's an OC. I'm playing her from her Shotgun!Verse where she's a hunter and friends with Dean & Sam.))

series: supernatural

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