
Feb 08, 2010 20:44

[Someone has yet to notice they have arrived to a strange muggle area. After all, their nose is so deep in a book it is a miracle he has yet to trip and fall flat on their face or run into anyone ( Read more... )

series: harry potter

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Comments 330

dullmirror February 9 2010, 04:57:52 UTC
[Kamoi walks by, taking notice of the guy sitting down but not really wanting to disturb him, as he put his case down at a near by bench and sets up his canvas.]


whatsyourbanner February 9 2010, 04:59:50 UTC
[And he is still undisturbed after all, this book is quite interesting. On page 606 someone is violently killed due to a curse! Gore everywhere! He licks his finger and turns a page.]


dullmirror February 9 2010, 05:21:41 UTC
[That book must be interesting, Kamoi thought. Though if he knew, he would say that violence isn't really his sort of thing. There's quite an amount of that in the art world.

In midst of his daydreaming, one of the examples (as in, portraits of "highly esteemed" and unsatisfied customers) that was leaning against the bench fell with a large plop.] Ah! Please don't be dirty... [Dusts the canvas off. At least it wasn't wet.]


whatsyourbanner February 9 2010, 05:25:04 UTC
[Severus looks up from his book the second he hears the plop and the person talking to the canvas. It doesn't quite register to the young Wizard he is no longer in Kansas Hogwarts so he just frowns.]

I am sure if it were it would have complained by now.


tarnishingcrown February 9 2010, 05:02:52 UTC
[... The robes may be nice but can they stand up to that filthy oil slick just ahead? Pollution is not far from the substance, leaning against a corroded waste basket. On his face is the slightest of smiles.]


whatsyourbanner February 9 2010, 05:07:50 UTC
[Of course not, so the moment he takes a step onto the slick he falls right on his rear, sending his book flying and having him land in an very undignified position.

He curses a little as he tries to get up, but instead of succeeding he seems to resemble a dog in the back of a truck.]


tarnishingcrown February 9 2010, 05:23:04 UTC
[Oh, the results are most pleasing. Watching him struggle to stand, it reminds the Horseman of the geese that so often attempt to fly out of the toxic pit they had once known as a river.]

Tricky substance to walk on. That is, if you aren't familiar with it.


whatsyourbanner February 9 2010, 05:26:57 UTC
[he is still struggling than he remembers something. He is a bloody Wizard! He pulls out his want in the midst of the flailing and sliding to cast a cleaning charm on the oil slick, he then glowers at the person who spoke trying to see where they register in his list of people he doesn't like.]


donsdammitdoll February 9 2010, 05:07:04 UTC
[The turtle has decided he likes the cities most of all, the technology everywhere, the way green things seem to sprout up out of pavement. People just go on, doing things like reading a book while walking. Somewhere in his mind, he has a memory of liking books.]

Can I ask what you are reading?

[He's still nervous about approaching people, but this is the best way to learn more about what he's gotten himself into. He tugs at his neck chain nervously.]


whatsyourbanner February 9 2010, 05:10:36 UTC
[The young Wizard doesn't even look up from the book.]

It is Three Thousand and One Hexes for Everyday Use


donsdammitdoll February 9 2010, 05:11:59 UTC

[He's heard a word like that before. Mostly it's coupled with the word...]

Are those like curses?


whatsyourbanner February 9 2010, 05:17:30 UTC
[it must be a first year. They never understand these things. Still without looking up.]

A hex is less powerful than a curse but more powerful than a jinx.


lolblitzball February 9 2010, 05:18:10 UTC
[A different city full of different people- life just can't stay still for him, huh? Not that he minds too much.]

Oh hey, is he one of the locals? Can't hurt to ask.

[Peeks over Snape's shoulder.] Hey there, you from around here?


1/2 whatsyourbanner February 9 2010, 05:20:57 UTC
[he lets out a long suffering sigh.]

No, I only go to school here, thus the robes.

[He looks up to give the other a scowl then he freezes.]


whatsyourbanner February 9 2010, 05:21:52 UTC
[For a moment, his expression changes to one that obviously can be read as 'Oh Crap, where am I?' but then changes back to a scowl.]

I am mistaken it seems.


lolblitzball February 9 2010, 05:27:18 UTC
[Blinks. Okaaay, from that reaction, Tidus guesses that this guy is new too.]

Uh, you just noticed that? That must be some interesting book you're reading if it kept you that distracted. [Gestures at it.]


todefendus February 9 2010, 06:10:50 UTC
[this is the third time in the past two weeks that 7's come entirely too close to a human's foot for her comfort, and she's beginning to lose patience with it. she was exploring the city as usual until she stepped out from an alleyway and right under the newcomer's foot.

that particularly sharp jab you just got around your ankle, Snape, is a combination warning and "hey I'm down here" message sent straight from the business end of 7's spear.]


whatsyourbanner February 9 2010, 06:35:16 UTC
[And he does the first thing that comes to mind and that is kick his foot out as quickly as possible dropping his book.]


todefendus February 9 2010, 06:38:49 UTC
[you better be glad she's fast on her feet, buddy, or what would've been several inches of blade crammed in your ankle if you'd hit her. as it is, she just sidesteps it and looks fiercely up at him from behind the skull she wears, despite her somewhat... diminutive stature.]

You! Human!


whatsyourbanner February 9 2010, 15:05:12 UTC
[He looks down at the source of the voice and his eyes widen.]

What are you? [A living Voodoo Doll perhaps?]


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