Hetalia pairings meme =D

Sep 20, 2010 18:20

-Six ships I like:


-Three ships I've abandoned


-Three ships I've never liked


-Two ships that have piqued my interest


I - Why do you dislike #11 so much?

Because, well, I hate everything that involves Rapetruck!Russia.

II - Who do you know that ships #13?

No one that I know, but there are some people out there...

III - What would be the ideal scenario for #3?

A battlefield, swords, maybe after some random war they had... Well, actually, they just need to fight. And try to prove one is better than the other.

IV - What's your favourite moment for #1?

The whole UST there is. Cold war, actually.

V - How long have you been following couple #6?

It was the first yuri pairing I liked, but I don't really remember when.

VI - What's the story with #8? What made you stop caring?

They're just... too sweet to my tastes.

VII - Which do you prefer, #2 or #4?

France/England... .-.

VIII - You have the power to make one ship disappear. #10 or #12?


IX - What interests you about #14?

I don't know, I like pairings with the love-hate relationship (except, in this case, more hate than love, lol).

X - When did you stop liking #7?

I think it was when I began to hate Finland's character, in general.

XI - Did your waning interest in #9 kill your interest in the series?

No, not at all ^--^

XII - What's a song that reminds you of #5?

Take it off - Ke$ha. Don't ask.

XIII - Which of these ships do you love the most right now?

It's a tie between PrussiaxPoland and RussiaxAmerica.

XIV- Which do you dislike the most?


XV - If you could have any of these pairings double date, which ones would be?

HungaryxLiechtenstein and PrussiaxRomano? Don't ask #2.

XVI - Have #2 kissed yet? If yes, elaborate.

Only kissed? Well, it's FrancexEngland we're talking about.

XVII - Did #4 have a happy ending?

Lol, I don't think so. Romano's tsundereness wouldn't help either.

XVIII - What would make you start shipping #14?

I already ship it, actually. But I wouldn't complain about more fics/fanarts.

XIX - If only one could happen, which would you choose, #2 or #6?


XX - You can decide the fate of #10. What happens to them?

America ends up with Russia and UK ends up with France? I'm not really creative, so...

hetalia, meme

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