- Engagement ring on her neck? SI.
- Umm, invaders, please do not rape Gwen even though I know this show won't do it... but they can imply.
- "My lords, other knights."
- And the shipper inside Merlin just awakened.
- Haha, Colin's instant face change.
- Welcome to the medieval mailroom.
- Freaking Snape, what are you even still doing here?
- Morgana is always going on about Agravaine not serving her properly, but she's just sitting in a hut.
- The White Lady approaches.
- Gwen's seducer is now wearing a rope.
- Now the undertones are happening between the seducer and Morgana. All these "dinners" with girls.
- Way to suck at covering up a murder, Snape. Leon sees through your lies with medical logic.
- Odin! The seducer is Odin, the all-father!? This actually makes sense… except for the lack of Scandinavian-ness.
- Merlin knows those tunnels by heart by now doesn't he? This map is so the Marauder's Map, btw.
- Merlin shall sink this ship…. or accidentally help it sail...
- The Snape Jig
- This girl really isn't that bad; it'll suck for her when Gwen returns.
- Run, Gwen, run.
- The girl is even nice to Merlin, crap I don't want to like her, that makes this worse.
- I knew she was going the burp too… and while it's predictable, it does make her more awesome… Merlin better find her a new ship after this (not going to happen obviously).
- And now she's being nice all over that corridor.
- Meanwhile, Gwen is being more awesome in the woods.
- Aren't hunts suppose to be quiet and not scare away the prey.
- Noooo, Gwen bewitched for more betrayal.
- He watched over her all night, yay!
- Well I guess when Odin appears in the siege tunnels, then Snape will be outed.
Oh dang, next week is the finale… well part 1. Pretty epic trailer, but who is this cool blond fighting girl?