It may only be for tonight, and sure we'll have to wait four more months to see him, but I don't care because right now I'm watching Doctor Who with my brand new 11-style sonic screwdriver:
- Gahh if you have to copy Star Trek DON'T copy the lens flares.
- And they're wearing the costumes for the exact reasons everyone guessed they were. It'd be cool if there were actual reasons why.
- EDIT: This was pointed out to me afterwards because I was too busy having a dance party to notice this wonderful gem:
- So this isn't London... it's too designed to be and too steampunk, and there's a giant electric ray thing in the sky.
- Girl frozen in the ice... oh how I love you Batman imagery.
- And he's just running around babbling.
- Gambonman is crazy, not just mean, but mentally deranged.
- It's been a while since we've had an observation camera-trick rant.
- Wait... was he just using the sonic as a phone O.O
- The captain says you have less than an hour... hey that's how much time is left in the episode.
NOOOOO THERE'S A COMMERCIAL WHAT WHAT I DON'T EVEN. I've never had to watch DW with commercials before. Agh it hurts us. downloaded this episode hours ago, but I was strong and resisted because I wanted to support the BBC America airing Doctor Who on the same day as BBC1. I'm still typing and the commercials are still going. -fiddles with sonic screwdriver- Hmmm they're probably going to make one that can turn into a phone now.... hmmmm. I already want the one that's a Wiimote ore a DS stylus, even though I doubt the video games are any good. They'll pop up in a used bin for cheap soon enough; it's not like I have time to play video games. Now there's a strange Christmas musical episode.... YAY IT'S BACK!!!!
- WeeGambon being yelled at by FatherBeardGambon. I think Gambon's goal is life is to play as many old and angry men as possible.
- All weeGambon wants is a fish, and by the end of this episode he'll have a Shark friend.
- He's appearing on the tape. I LOVE THIS. Gah but stop rewriting history and destroying time... WHAT WAS THE POINT OF "FATHER'S DAY."
- "A mature and responsible adult." ... "finally a lie too big."
- The experience adultGambon must be having right now is very similar to the experience librarian in Mofat's "Continuity Errors" underwent.
- There's going to be a big one... yup. NOOO IT ATE THE SONIC.
GAH THERE WAS A COMMERCIAL JUST AS HE WAS ABOUT TO PUT HIS ARM IN THE SHARK. CURSE YOU COMMERCIALS. And it's 6:30 already. 6:30! It's already halfway over. oghoidsgdoidod. And the girl from all the promo's hasn't even thawed out yet.
- I love our Matt never says "fish" only "fishy."
- Hey wait a minute, it jumped to after he already got the sonic screwdriver out of the shark.... that doesn't seem right... I may have to check the video I downloaded since there was some freezing when they switched back from the commercial.
- Awww, the shark is with the girl.
- Didn't realize that it was the girl singing until they showed her, oh seamless soundtrack integration.
- He comes every time.... Matt in a Santa hat dawwww XDDDD
- That's so many years, so many adventures... that makes them super important companions.
- And the Doctor's just like screw it, let's just go hang out with your family.
- "Your card I believe." ... "No."
- awww nervous adolecentGambon
- I want to watch Matt sing again, with Frank Sinatra.
- Awww The Doctor is sad, because another one of his kid's is leaving him D=
- AMY: "I'm the ghost of Christmas Present" aka 'Hello, I am in this episode.'
- It's after 7 and the show's still going, and I'm perfectly okay with this.
- It really doesn't make sense why he wouldn't just clear a portion of the sky. But whatevers.
- Don't talk to my Doctor about hearts!
Utah shoot promo commercial. Just advertising the fact they were in my neck of the woods last month. At one point Matt was in East Bay, visiting Pixar, the same day I was at the PIXAR exhibition in Oakland. So yeah, he was within a few square miles of me. Part of me wonders if I passed him on the freeway.
- They won't respond because he's not mean now?
- Murray Gold and his beautiful-sounding female singers.
- SNOW XD No matter what face the Doctor has, I can't help but smile when he does.
- Of course he's not okay, he just had to say goodbye to some long-term companions.
- And they're beginning to hint at Amy Pond's end.
- NAZIs, AMERICA, MATT WITH A BEARD, creepy dolls, Ood, river being annoying, but nothing about The Silence.