Jun 24, 2010 12:00
It's probably Omega... not the Master. I just don't know much about Omega, so I'm inclined to say one over the other.
Also, I hate how everyday, since watching "The Pandorica Opens," I think about the dumb finale.
With only a few more days left, I just wanted to throw in some last words...
Like how Amy's house is only two stories but has an extra flight of stairs (we get a good look at the top of those stairs in Eleventh Hour, and they lead to a ceiling with no attic door or anything. And another thing, the Doctor wakes up to birds chirping (the same exact sound effect they use in 'Amy's Choice') and at one point he hears the birds again and looks up to see an empty tree (there are a few more instances, but those are the most significant).
I've been spoiled a little, but I still know absolutely nothing, because Mofat is crazy and I just want it to be Saturday.