Before we begin with the notes, I just wanted to sure to say that the Monday before the episode, I spend a large chunk of the day reading about Van Gog and, in turn, writing an essay about Van Gogh, specifically about The Church at Auvers,... so yeah art school nerd with convenient summer art history class.
- The Doctor and Amy nerding out silently when Van Gogh shows up: priceless.
- "I'm... new in town." In the words of
professor_spork , "oh, show."
- Van Gogh "It was more orange then, of course...." what is this drunken flitery? anwser: magic.
- Gah stop flirting with Van Gogh, or is it the other way around. Le it be the other way around for Rory )=
- Random townswoman: "NoooooOOOOooo, help me!" Cue the monster of the week.
- Van Gogh: "Where are you staying tonight?" The Doctor: "Oh, you're very kind." XD
- Hmmm where's Amy. Amyscream! Dang Gryffindors always running off.
- Heeeeeey TrailerShotAmyFace -wonders if we've seen every trailer shot by now-
- My friend's (Chris) response to Van Gogh's painting of the monster: "British Godzilla!"
- Look at that magnificant twirl down this alley. (Note: I actually remembered to start counting twirls here, but I didn't notice anymore after this... I'll try to pay better attention in the future, so that the twirl count can be birthed). But I love this alone time we get with the Doctor, seeing 11 operate without a companion.
- Wiliiam! (I accidentally read a spoiler about a doctor or two (Patrick!) making an appearance and assumed it was David, so I'm glad to be surprised, not that David wouldn't have been great but William!)
- When they cut to Van Gogh snoring I wanted it to cut straight back to the Doctor and Amy so badly, but then they entered the room instead, which is still funny but not as funny.
- The Doctor is trying to get Van Gogh to go to the church... or you know you guys could not go and prevent it from happening because the monster might be the source of his psychological issues and might be the reason he kills himself, and the only reasons he wanted the monster was because the Doctor intervened... yeah over thinking, sits in TARDIS-corner.
- I'm glad that Amy just wants to get painted, and that Van gogh is just a little ginger-crush-crazy. Yay for Rory.
- Vincent ad Amy waiting outside church; they hear the Doctor in trouble... Amy just yelled "DOCTOOOR!" in Vincent's face. haha, show.
- The Doctor's reaction to Vincent telling him the monster kind of enjoys the sonic: priceless.
- Couldn't they get a green pillow for the tat close-up shot of the Doctor's hand stroking the dying monster? They're not that low-budget.... oh wait they spent all the budget on this starry sky shot. Friend (Dan): "That cost more than the entire first season of Doctor Who."
- "Come back and we'll have a dozen babies" misquoted but lawlwut.
- "I'm not the marrying kind." pooor Amy, but I'm glad they did this because it show's how fundamental Rory was to her. She's not the marrying kind because he's the only one she'd ever settle for.
- "You were nice about my tie." -grin-
- "The ultimate ginger."
It should be noted that I being too emotionally blown away during a certain scene to write anything down, and when I saw the scene again in confidential I was still on the verge of tears (not a good idea to read up on Van Gogh's life before watching.)
The acting in this episode was amazing, some of the best I've ever seen. Why oh why couldn't the rest of Series 5 be like this. It's no secret that I haven't truly enjoyed an episode since The Eleventh Hour, so it's such a relief to finally like a episode again, and even bigger a joy to fall in love with that episode. The DP this season has been phenomenal, and so have the rest of the crew, especially the art design department, but the directors and writers have been lacking that magic. So needless to say, I was especially pissed off listening to Mofat in this week's Confidential; seriously he had to get drunk to finally make a good decision and ask magnificent writer to come on board for this episode. You find this amusing, Mofat, but I AM NOT AMUSED.
Also, Amy remembers Rory, part of her is still fighting to remember, because she has to start remembering everything in two weeks. Also, the fact part of her does remember him, at a biological level (tears), makes up for her not having a dramatic character change this episode (she knew Rory her whole life, it would make a huge difference). Karen Gillian knows what she's doing, so no worries there.
In other news, next week is the Lodger, which is based off a DWM comic with the same title and writer. A DW blog I follow thoughtfully uploaded scan of the comic, which I will link to you
NOW, if only for the brilliant scene of 10 playing a video game with Mickey.
PS Another reason why this episode was so great was that I finally started referring to Matt as the Doctor and not Matt. BECAUSE I COULD SIMPLY ENJOY IT FOR ONCE AND NOT HATE ON THE WRITERS THE WHOLE TIME.
PPS I know the monster was a metaphor, but really, they kill him, the end, that's it? Lame, but I'm okay with it just because it meant more time for brilliant character scenes.