what makes me the saddest is i know that slowly but surely i will forget the little things about pookie. like the way she meows or how she purrs and cuddles with me. how she responds to her name, but only when i call her. the way she chases shadows or follows me around. how she sits on my lap and sleeps. the way her eyes are too big for her face. how her cheeks puff out like shes hiding food in them. one day she will only be a distant memory. and that kills me. shes my best fried in the entire world.
ive never been so connected to another living creature in my life. i raised her, we grew up together. shes been a constant in my life since i was 8 years old. shes always there for me. she always let me cry on her. and shed stay til i wasnt crying.
i cant stand to see her in this way. shes completely healthy except for a inner ear infection that we cant afford to fix. shes stopped eating solid foods. her voice has changed into an awful sounding screetch. shes falling apart on me and i cant stop it. i cant make her feel better. i cant do anythig but love her and stop her from falling over. i have been giving her dramamene to make her less dizzy. but i know shes not comfortable. my baby is dying.
we are going to have to put her down soon. i just cant imagine life without my angel face.
although i know she will go on to a better place that is pain free. and there will be shadows everywhere for her to play with. she will get to eat the finest foods and sleep on the most comfortable beds. ad it is unfair of me to hold on to her like this. i must do what is best for my angel.