hey yo,.. ITS been a long time hehehe..
I've been sooo Lazy to Update... cuz i just cant find the heart to type whats goin on anymore.. hahhaha.. or im just not depressed,
anymore thats why i fail to update this journal..lol.. hehehe
any way... alot has happened these past 3 months... but surely i cant Tell all the stories.. hehehe
1. ) I Started Playing RF again..... But not pRF-- RF: ROA - (cuz its Free, hehehe) <<
(http://returnofares.com/home.php?agree)2.)Been to some wild parties =p (details would take too long)
3.) Met alot of new people (even if I LOA~ed)
4.) IN Serious Need of an HAIR CUT
5.)Been to Puerto Galera
6.) GOT Internet BroadBAND IN THE HOUSE!
7.)Learned alot of new stuff hehehe
there were alot more but i just cant remember them all.. hahaha
OH well THIS 3 month Vacation is now over.. it time to get back to work... hahaha
i just hope things that bothered me before wont bother me anymore >.>
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