Lots of writery stuff

Nov 10, 2009 13:27

This weekend was a mix of good, very good and bad from a writing point of view.

The bad was the library reading on Friday. That said, having seen the posters the library had put up, I'm not surprised nobody was particularly interested. I know that if we hadn't had the thing on Saturday, we would have been pushing people to the village to go, so it's probably just a case of two many things together.

Saturday went really well. I think we got between 60 and 70 people and I sold nearly 50 books. Only one wine spillage and it was nowhere near the books. I also spoke to a teacher from a local school who was keen to get me to speak at schools in Nottinghamshire.

On Monday, I spent way too much time on trains which was bad, but I had my laptop with me and could therefore write, which was good. I was able to make firm progress towards my Nano goal. I went to a school in Liverpool as part of their literary week and spoke about being an author, Child and stuff like that. The school bought two books from me and the librarian is going to try and get the girls to write reivews on Amazon.

I have another Amazon review from Other Jen which is very positive. A neighbour said she posted a review but it's not shown up yet.

I worked out that  I need to sell an average of 30 books a day consistently forever in order to earn something close to what I'm earning now. I think I need to write a few more books.

child of the hive, writing, marketing

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