I hate my bank

Nov 02, 2006 19:55

Well people it's official I HATE my bank! I really do. Remember how I was saying that there had been some fraudulant use on my card? Well They said it would take up to 6 weeks to resolve and they have resolved and guess what the verdict is?
They are not refunding me the money that was spent fraudulantly!
Can you believe this? They have security issues and I'm the one who has to foot the bill!!! I was so upset when I got the letter informing me about it. I got home yesterday starving after a long day at work and I check my mail to see a letter from my bank. Me been the naive fool I am, I think it's probably a letter saying that the incident is resolved and they have replaced the money.. well I was half right.. the incident was resolved .. in their favour .. not mine!!
Then I call telephone banking and rant and rave asking what the hell was going on to see ofcourse they cant help me cos "i'm sorry maam but I can't access that information at this time"
I lost my appetite ( Felt like there was a gaping hole in my stomach!!) And what upset me the most was the fact that I know I am careful and I don't spend my money frivolously, and that is money I could have bought something with. Hell I was looking at a suit in Zara and the top was £60 and if it weren't that expensive ( like if it was about £40) I would have gotten in cos I was in need of a black suit top. This could be money I could have bought that with!
Anyways I lost sleep over it, so I go to the bank today in the morning all cranky and upset and I screamed and shouted ( Though how much good it will do me I have no idea) and they have filed a complaint on my behalf and if it doesnt get resolved in my favour I plan on complaining to the financial regulator ombudsman, then maybe consumer watch dog. And ofcourse I woudl have to switch accounts. Becuase honestly if my bank can't provide me with basic security why would I bother banking? I might as well shove all my money under a mattress!!
Anyways so I am not happy. I have gone past anger and now I just dont have the energy to fight about this anymore.. I'm sick of all the hassle they have put me through. I dont want to deal with this stress and at the moment I'm ready to give up on the money ( cos to be honest I dont see me recovering a red cent of it) and I'm just fighting on the principle!!
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