This picture wasn't taken at Montreat. I actually snapped it on the commute home. I keep telling ya'll it's not that bad. Especially when God paints the sky every day.
So far my favorites have been redish, orangy sunsets like the one above, storms moving in over the mountains causing white mist to rise out of the valleys, and snow-covered mountain peaks reflected pink at sunrise. I'll let you know what comes next.
So Montreat. My new job. It's stellar. You know, I've always knocked being a secretary (or "assistant" as we are called nowadays). I'm not sure why. Maybe I am a little embarrassed that after four years of college, that's what I do. But I've decided to get over that. I really like my new job. I have a lot more responsibility and a huge workload, and when I leave at the end of the day, I feel good about myself.
I actually like driving 30 minutes through the mountains every day to get to work. There is no time to play on the internet, no time to be bored once I get there. I've discovered that I am very happy as long as I am not bored. The campus is beautiful. Sometimes at lunch I just like to go outside and walk around. I'll be able to do that more in the spring... right now it's a mite cold.
The people are great, too. I love that on Thursdays we all take an hour out of our workday to go to chapel with the students and worship God. I'm thankful that I work in a place where the motto is that when you go in, you don't have to leave your problems outside of the door. I know that if I ever had something seriously wrong going on in my life, I would be supported and loved through it. It's a blessing.
I'm still getting to know everyone. I have this bad habit of when I get overwhelmed with new people and I get nervous and I don't know what to do or say, my main tactic is to ignore them. I really can't afford to continue that behavior as the frontman of the Academic Affairs office. So... something to work on.
Today is Saturday and by the time yesterday got here I was so ready for the weekend. So I'm not going to spend it all on the internet. This is me, signing off... ciao, bella!