Aug 30, 2010 17:07
These are words I've picked up from reading (song lyrics, newspapers, journals, etc)
I decided to make a separate list for just words (w/o examples and categories like my "random words" series).
1. 潤す(うるおす):to moisten, we, or enrich
2. 滴(しずく):drop (often used to describe tears)
3. 魅惑(みわく):fascination; lure; attraction; charm
4. 時差ボケ(じさぼけ):jet lag
5. 富む(とむ):to be rich in something (e.g. diversity)
6. このごろ:these days
7. 展望(てんぼう):view; outlook
8. 日付変更線(ひづけへんこうせん):International Date Line
9. そのうち:one of these days
10. 毛皮(けがわ):fur
11. 高が(たかが):mere; trivial
12. 知人(ちじん):acquaintance
13. 乱れる(みだれる):fall into disorder; be confused
14. 本部を置く(ほんぶをおく):based in (some place)
15. 極めて(きわめて):exceedingly; extremely
16. 空回り(からまわり):fruitless effort
17. 遠回り(とおまわり):detour; roundabout way
18. 見て見ぬふり(みてみぬふり):pretend to not see something
19. 神経を使って(しんけいをつかって):with great precision; caring for fussy details
20. 渋い(しぶい):sober; cool; refined