"Ai no Uta" Fukui Mai (Koizora Theme Song)

Apr 03, 2010 12:33

 I really CAN'T RESIST THE FUKUI MAI'S SONG!! It's so simple and rich I decided to translate it the best as I could. Please comment if this helps you understand the meaning of it better =]

優しい風が吹く いつもの道で
あなたに会えるとか そんなことでいい
小さな鼓動の揺れが 想いに重なり
静かに溶けるのを ただ待っている
On our usual path, a gentle wind blows.
All I want is to be able to see you.
A beat of my heart overlaps with my feelings
I'm just waiting for it to melt into silence.

人はどうして 答えを求めるの?
わたしはこれで 幸せなのに 幸せなのに
Why do people search for answers?
I am happy with just this, happy with just this**

アイのうたが 聴こえたんだ
それは 小さなアイが
微笑むように 寄り添うような
I could hear a song of love
It was the gentle sound
of a small love that seems to
nestle up, as though smiling

時は流れ 夢は流れ
いろんなかたち 変わっても
あなたがただ ここにいれば それだけでいい
Even when time and dreams are washed away,
when many shapes have changed,
I am happy if just you are by my side.

あなたの呼ぶ声に 気づく時には
失くした物に ただ手を伸ばすだけ
When I recognize your voice calling for me
I just extend my hand to what I've lost

時はどうして 終わりを告げるの?
描いた今は 明日の空に続いてるのに
Why does time signal the end
even when the present we've painted leads to tomorrow's sky?

アイのうたが 聴こえたんだ
一つ一つ 瞬くような
I could hear a song of love.
It was the beloved sound
of a small love
twinkling little by little.

時と共に あの日の星
あなたがただ ここにいれば それだけでいい
Even if the stars of that day are, over time,
washed away by tears,
I am happy as long as you are here.

願いは 時に遠く
そのまま 消えてゆくような
小さなアイに 気づけば
My wish is in a distant time
I grasp for it in vain
and it slips out of my hand, but
it's better to let something large
fade away as it is
and notice the small love.

いつか時が 花を咲かし
歌うように 奏でるように
Someday when time lets flowers bloom,
before long, a large love will
embrace the two of us
like a song sung, a song played.

アイのうたが 聴こえたんだ
それは 小さなアイが
微笑むように 寄り添うような
I could hear a song of love
It was the gentle sound
of a small love at seems to
nestle up, as though smiling

時は流れ 夢は流れ
いろんなかたち 変わっても
あなたがただ ここにいれば それだけでいい
Even when time and dreams are washed away,
when many shapes have changed,
I am happy if just you are by my side.

あなたがいて そばで笑う それだけでいい
I am happy if you are by my side, smiling.

*鼓動の揺れ literally means "a flicker/tremor of my pulse/heartbeat" so I decided to cut it down to "heartbeat"
**"this" probably refers to "seeing you"

koizora, translation, lyrics, fukui mai, drama, japanese

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