what's ur fav. band? u can fill it. it's a simple free enquette.
what band do u love the most?
when did u kn0w them?
-mid '04, their 1st debut
1st s0ng u listen
-of corz r0mancer!
ur m0st fav. song
what makes u love them a lot?
- their music. ayabie has unique sounds
- past: ryouhei
n0w: kenzo
hated member
- N0NE, i luv all of them
inspiring member
what things do u hate fr0m this band
- ?? past: aoi's voice wasn't gud
en0ugh. hmm i hav n0 idea bout dis.
is there any member's changing?how did U feel?
-yeap, at that time i felt like i HATE him so much!!! PEKOK ndes!
have u ever sent a fanmail?did they reply?
-yea, but n0 reply (pk bhs inggris apa ngrti?)
do u always check the band's OHP?
-so pasti!
visiting their blogs?
descripti0n 4 each member..
- aoi : chubbykawai
yume : h0rny face xp
takepi : dumb
teppi : calm guy
kenzo : COOLest guy :3
current wish 4 this band
- n0 BIG changing plz.., they held a concert in indonesia. yappy!