Yay, V is back! Of course, I'm a fatalist, and fair enough, with the way the networks treat scripted shows and this show in particular, so I'm going to stay worried about the show's future. But I got my mother hooked, so that is something, I guess. Then again, I did the same for Pushing Daisies with quite a few people, but too little, too late.
Anyhoo, I've hardcore missed the HBIC Elizabeth Mitchell on my tv, so I'm so glad she is baaaaaaack. What did I think about tonight's episode?
It was a bit cheesy. I mean, the creepy alien baby? The melting face Tyler? Anna's tail-thing slashing the fuck out of one of the captains? Yeah. Cheesy.
But I still enjoyed it. I mean, obviously, this show toes the line between harken-back-to-the-80's cheese and intriguing drama. Like, LOST, or maybe a more apt comparison, The X Files, this show is not. And that's okay.
In particular, I love the development with Erica's pregnancy with Tyler. I've been wondering if they would just completely drop the parentage thread since Nicolas Lea was on as Tyler's Not!Father. When we found that out, my first thought was that Tyler was part V. So I guess I saw it coming, but also not. It seemed too fanfic-cy. And I mean that in a good way. So happy they went there. I hope it is a total mindfuck who the kid's alien-daddy is. I mean, I was rooting for Joshua since last season, which I know is ridiculous for so many reasons, but whatever, it's hard not to want to pair my two favorite characters together. Now I am thinking-maybe Marcus? Yeah, I think Marcus should be the baby daddy.
Your thoughts? Anyone watching this with me?