May 11, 2004 19:01
I've been meaning to for a while. Although...I don't know if I have much to talk about. My last entries have been poems and song lyrics so that's not so exciting...unless your me lol.
Anyways let's see what's been going on lately.
First off, AP TESTING IS DONE. I only had 2 tests, but I swear they were hell. Togehter it was 2 blocks of straight writing, so that kinda blew. But it's over with and the school year is downhill from here on out.
The musical has been taking up a lot of my time to hang with friends, and that truly makes me a sad panda. But it's fun doing it, and it shall be over soon. Closing night is Satruday...also Saturday is STATE BAND COMPETITION. YES! Sorry...I have a lot of energy, still though I'm really happy about this. We're the only band in Lakeridge history to make it to state. I honestly don't think we'll do all that bad, long as we focus. So Saturday shall hence forth be known as...The Day of Music.
A week from The Day of Music is Prom, which I'm very excited about. For those of you who don't know, I'm going with Rachel (and Nick, Bethany, Ken, Morgan, Jordan, and Laura) and that will be awesome. We get a freaking '59 Chrysler Limo. How fucking rad is that?
A week from Prom is the band trip, which I know is going to be totally fucking sweet. Hopefully I'll get to see my cousin Carlie (who is an art major in San Fransisco).
And now, Chicken.