Jan 31, 2007 15:49
This advice comes from my oncologist. She says to eat what sounds good, when it sounds good, so that I get enough caloric in take, I'm guessing. An interesting point here is that while I initally liked that advice (Yea for Chipolte and KFC), nothing that used to sound good to me still sounds good, with one exception. The holiest of snack food grails... The Cherry Slurpee from 7-11. This has become a constant craving, and worries me somewhat, mostly because of the heavy sugar content in them. I mean, they really aren't much anything BUT sugar and red food coloring. But they taste good, where as things like chocolate, brownies, pasta, pizza, and WATER do not. What is this stuff they've put in my body where WATER doesn't taste good?! WATER HAS NO TASTE!!! THAT'S the beauty of water. It's just nice and refreshing. And yet, it now tastes like ass sweat to me. Iced Ass-Sweat. Yummy.
Also, interestingly enough, it doesn't take a particular smell or taste to make me fully well nautious. All I have to do is think about something that my system doesn't like, and my stomach tries to drop it's contents. Or of course I could just think about those nasty Barium drinks they made me take before my CT scan...eh, that was a bad idea. At least the anti nausea drugs they've given me are incredibly effective.
Also, I'm feeling like a hypochondriac. It's probably the first time in my life that I'm actually NOT being one. I love irony. It's a little new adventure each day to see what will hurt or not be quite right. Two days ago, it was mouth sores. Today, my left kidney regionof my body is hurting. I'd call myself a psychosomatic case if I were looking at this from outside my own body, and I'm sure that my oncologist's nurse is tired of hearing my voice mail messages. "Hi Jamie... it's Heather, again. I have this...." and so on and so forth until we get to, "if this isn't normal, could you call me back and let me know to come in and get it fixed? Otherwise, sorry I bothered you, again." I swear, if all their patients are this aware of their little ills, they must have someone who does nothing but listen to voice mail all day.
I'm still sleeping till noon, but it's an effort to. I keep waking up at 9 or 10 and making myself go back to sleep because I just don't want to get out of bed that early. It's lonely to get up early and not see other people. I'm also going to bed pretty much every day at like 9:45 or 10. It's ridiculous, but I'm exhausted after less than 12 hours of normal activity. Heck, I'm tired after 4 hours of normal activity. It's really sad in a pathetic sort of way. I know there are somethings that I can't control, but I think this whole situation takes the serenity prayer just a bit far.