(no subject)

Nov 17, 2009 04:57

By what power is this that hast pulled me from Carterhaugh, by nature, or is this some jest..?

... And where is my fairest, If she hath succeeded in her endeavor, would she not be by my side..?

Perhaps she hast failed? But where then shall I find m'self? A castle such as this must surely be that of the Queen o' Fairie..?

... But perhaps this is some other bewitchment, though it fits not with my memory... Has it even yet been Halloween..?

[[OOC: Aside from the obvious differences, like the VERY different clothes. (He's dressed VERY mid-evil theme, tunic, etc. And in super soft fabrics and natural colors) And his attitude, some might also notice something... Very different about him. Quite different from his normal 'unnatural'-ness, he now seems rather more in tune with nature, but still is disconcertingly 'otherworldly' seeming. (Plus likely pointy ears. XD) ... Aside from that, feel free to poke at him. XD And. Ok, this one might be a bit obscure for some... But it's the oldest fairy tale I can recall in detail, plus it has been my FAVORITE ever since I was a kid. >.>;; Some consider it 'just a ballad', but it describes a whole wonderful story. <3 Basic info can be found Here And more detailed stuff Here. Also out of lack of wanting to inflict reading it on you, and not wanting to mess it up painfully, forgive the shoddy stumbling english, I'm working with trying to find acceptable wording considering the slight translation 'issues'. O.o]]

[[OOC Addtl. EDIT: Oh, 'cuz I forgot to say, Paul wound up getting stuck as Tam Lin from the fairy tale/Ballad of Tam Lin. :3 *snrk*]]
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