Dear life, I get it, drinking is not a contest...
... Even IF The bar had
Mai Tai's and
Blue Hawaiian's for $1.50...
... If I could drown myself, I'd try right about now... Uugh... I now remember VIVIDLY why I don't like sugary alcoholic crap drinks...
Did you already finish the firewhiskey? That may easy the sugar rush...
No, I'd completely forgotten about it... Though that could help, yes.
... Now where did I put it..?
You could use accio to try and find it?
Hah! Yah, right! I'm crap with magic when I'm hungover... Great with it drunk, and average any other time, but when I'm sick or hungover? No way... Tch, I'd probably wind up exploding it or something...
Ah, right, I can see where that's a bad idea...maybe your girlfriend knows where it is?
Hah! Right... I bet if she knows where it is, it's probably because she shipped it to my brother or something. I'll have to ask her though, just in case...
Well, fingers crossed you can still use it as a sedative.
Heh, you and me both, huh? She thinks I drink too much... And she's right. But at the same time, what cures a hangover better than a shot of what did ya in?
Heh, and I fell for the weird 'cure' crap when I was a kid, none of that raw egg and hot sauce crap works. They just created it to jack with poor saps while they're feeling like hell.
And yah, Muggles'll try and convense you 90 billion things 'help'... But aspirin, caffine, and water are a few of the things that help... More alcohol works, but I suppose it isn't a 'good' treatment idea, huh? Works pretty damn good, though...
Heh, well staying in bed all day is never a bad thing... Hmm... Especially if one has company...
Yeah, more alcohol to ease a's kind of like giving a drowning man a glass of water, even if it is affective.
Wh...Okay, I stopping there before we go into that thank you very much.
Heh, true enough I guess...
*laughter* Heh, well, point... But I notice you didn't disagree. Ok, and I'll stop with the teasing now, too... Eeh, at least for now. 'M too dizzy to be as charmingly 'witty' about it as ususal.
Indeed. And yes, best drop to drop it before you get carried away in that state. Asdfg...I have no comment for that.
... It wouldn't be the first time...
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