What the hell is this?!
... I am NOT wearing that!!! I don't care if it is for 'school spirit'... No.
*After much bitching/complaining and eventually after Piper threatens to have the wolf pups eat Paul's guitar strings, he acquiesces*
................. This is INASNELY fuckin' UNCOMFORTABLE!
*Sputter, growl, is fighting with the ruffles on his sleeves, trying to hide them in the sleeves of his overcoat*
[[OOC: Pretend this is backdated to during the afternoon, Y/Y? ... Also Reference pix! Paul is dressed in very 1700's-ish clothes, like
this... Though
this pic shows off the sleeve ruffles a bit better... They are VERY ruffly, as is the collar of his shirt, and he clearly hatesssssssesssss itttttt! XD XD Poor thing. And yes, for once (Probably the only time ever) Paul's hair is pulled back into a messy ponytail as well... Disclamer: Pix/cosplay/everything= NOT MINE! They are another wonderful artists. <3 Much love to them!]]
[[OOC: Also, cookies and +1 internet to whoever knows who's outfit that is... XD I Adore tormenting my muses...]]