Huh... I still don't get my stupid 'official' ability to assign crap as a Teacher back for another 9 hours and some change...
But... I figured those of you that are actually IN my class might like a little teency bit of forewarning on what the hell your final assignment is going to be....
♫ A Soundtrack. ♫
If you have the means to, you can create it by Muggle means either on Tape or CD, but I doubt most of you'll have access to that kind of stuff that works here.
Though you can use my sound system for it if you wanted.
Easiest would be figure out a way to do it Magically. If you want to do some kind of 'cover art', feel free... In fact, you'll get extra credit for doing so.
But most importantly it can't just be a list of songs on a piece of paper. Enchant whatever you use to actually play whatever songs you decide on.
Each song has to fit whatever Theme you chose for the Soundtrack, and you'll be graded on such, as well as the quality of songs and whatnot. Ya get the idea?
... I ain't got much else to do except work on these damn potions... So feel free to ask me whatever about the assignment.
If anything is unclear. And it probably is. Just ask about it.
*indifferent shrug*
... I have no idea what the hell I'm doing... I'll probably just wind up giving the few of ya that ever even showed up passing grades anyway... No fuckin' way am I failing any of you kids for someone else's fuck up...
And... Out of curiosity... *sigh* Anyone seen Dwayne lately? ... I haven't seen him around in... Too long, really... I'm getting kinda worried since...
... At least over a week?
... I wonder if he didn't just go home of some shit without telling me...
... Two and a half more weeks till I can just fucking go home...
And I'm not even sure I want to... *sigh, absently stirs a potion he's working on* ... And if I do... How the hell am I going to...
I was fuckin' serious about what I told Dwayne... And I'm not even sure...
*annoyed feral growl*
I don't give a fuck if I have to do something really fuckin' stupid... Like...
*shakes his head, leans over and absently fiddles with one of the capped potion vials on his desk, there are just about a dozen of them, each with their own unique label, the writing on each is likely illegible to most people, but he clearly knows what each of the varying colored liquids are... He looks them over with wary regret and sighs deeply*
... I wish...
But I can't... won't... take that kind of risk...
... If it were just about ME I'd be fine... But I won't let them treat Piper like they've treated my other girls... And they can't treat these damn kids like they do Laddie.
Laddie understands, hell...
*sigh, looks very depressed and pages through a book of very advanced potions, pauses on one page and makes a pained/depressed quiet sound*
Maybe I should just...
... No... I'm not sure I could do such a thing... Not even for... *aggravated, he's clearly pissed off at his own indecision, he grabs one of the empty vials and throws it across the room, then collapses into his desk chair with a huff*
... I wish I could just... Fuckin' not care.
If I didn't care, I'd just... *glances at potion book again* Probably bind their fucking powers and abilities so fuckin' much they might as well be human again... Give 'em a taste of what it feels like to be so damn helpless at least again.
They could probably fuckin' do with a good fuckin' god damn reminder...
... All it'd take would be a few tweaks to the potion we take while here... Dwayne doesn't even seem to fuckin' know it, but that's WHY we can go into the sunlight while here. The damn potion makes us weak, saps our powers to the point that it equals out and the sun has little to no effect...
... If it wasn't for the fact I think the fuckin' idiots would get their asses handed to them at best, killed at worst... I'd fucking do it, and keep dosin' 'em till I left. *curses and sighs*
How the hell did I ever get to this?! They're all SEVERAL fuckin' times my age. They should damn well know better, and _I_ should be the one making ALL the damn fucked up mistakes!
... But perhaps that IS the reason I'm not, but they are? ... I was still human reacently enough that I know all this... Maybe they've fuckin' forgotten..?
... Maybe I should... *aggravated growl, curses* But the risk scares the fuck out of me...
And worse yet... There's still the issue that I don't know where the fuck Dwayne ran off to. And his rather sudden co-dependence is freaking me right the fuck out.
... I almost think he should go home and stay there... He's clearly not dealing well with being all the way over here with just me for company... And if he needs someone to cling to, I sure as hell ain't it.
I mean, fuck. I've had my OWN damn issues, but I sure as FUCK don't HAVE to have my pack with me every fucking second.
They are my damn FAMILY, my fuckin' blood, the REASON I'm still fuckin' ALIVE. But we aren't tied to each other through some mystic 'soul bond' or any other fucked up thing. WE CAN fuckin' live without each other... Though if one of the others... If I permanently lost any of them, more than a part of me would die inside... But in a less permanent sense.
HELL I fucking proved it with that damn stunt I pulled when I was younger. We aren't a fucking werewolf pack. We live together out of desire and comfort, not blind instinct or lack of being able to do anything else... Aside from desire and comfort, there's protection to some degree... but... FUCK!!!
I can't do this. I won't.
I'll fucking leave for a few damn years first, give them some fuckin' time to set themselves right, and if they don't...
Hell if I fuckin' know.
*sigh, fiddles with a vial containing a dull violet liquid*
I'll see if I can't MAKE David understand somehow... I'll try everything within my power to try first, THEN I'll leave if I have to...
But not before.
And god fuckin' help 'em if David thinks he can get away with pulling that fucking blessed blade on me again... I deserve the occasional ass-kicking, but that was fucking bullshit.
I follow him and live with them out of all those sappy ass shit reasons kids with 'happy' families live with their parents... Love, respect... All that shit.
He even TRIES to break it again and I won't fucking give him a third try...
"Anyway... I should carefully test one or two of these..." *sigh*
*very carefully after a moment of deep thought he uncaps one of the vials, quickly scribbles a note to Piper and then dips a small glass rod into the potion vial, recapping it and setting it aside before carefully dropping a drop of the potion onto the tip of his tongue*
"Oh, fuck..."
*cringes at the flavor, drops the glass rod onto his desk and sits there thoughtfully, quietly anticipating... something... then after a few seconds he gasps in pain and curls up in his desk chair, clearly uncomfortable as all hell and in pain, he shivers violently and makes a quiet pained sound*
"Ok... Unexpectedly fuckin'... OW!" *squirms, looks miserable and just tries to focus on breathing*
[Filtered to Piper]
... Can you come find me when you get a minute..?
... If you don't mind. And if you're not busy...
[[OOC: Strikes are really hard to read, but still there. And the Private section is ONLY readable by anyone else if they somehow get a hold of his journal... Though of course the few bits where he's babbling to himself or otherwise emoting would be obvious to anyone near his room. LoL.]]