(no subject)

Jul 08, 2008 00:50

Krissy made this look all thoughtful and stuff, so I decided to do it too. I'm a lemming that way.

1. Would you do meth if it was legalized? 
No. Methface is yucky. I wouldn't mind the speed properties for weight loss, but I'll figure out something else less deadly.

2. Abortion: for or against? I wouldn't necessarily say I'm "for" abortion, but I definitely think it should be legal. I am a very, very, very strong supporter of the idea that some things can't be legislated.  You can't force people to espouse the same ideals as you, and it's not the government's job to try. And I think that there are situations where abortion is an acceptable solution.  Would I personally have one? Probably not, but that's my choice, and I think that women should be allowed to make that choice.

3. Would our country fall with a woman president? Not at all. I've yet to hear a compelling arguement for why a female president is a bad idea. Being president of the US isn't about sex, but about political savvy and the ability to dance a really tedious dance. The balls you need for the job are metophorical. Frankly, I wish HIllary were still running -- I feel she would be a much better president than Obama.  Now I have to assess McCain as a candidate.

4. Do you believe in the death penalty? I used to be solidly against it, but I was much more idealistic then. I think there should be some reforms, especially here in Texas, but I'm not across the board against it anymore. I think it's appropriate in the case of mentally functioning repeat or violent offenders.

5. Do you wish marijuana would be legalized already? I have no beef with MJ. And I'm not against it being legalized, mainly because everyone who wants to do it is already doing it. Legalize it, regulate the quality and tax it all to pieces.
6. Are you for or against premarital sex? People are people. They do people things. All through history they have.  At work we were just discussing a 21 year old going into a really inadvisable marriage because she doesn't want to save herself any longer. I really, truly applaud her effort, but... Is that really making a better choice? I don't want kids having sex when they're not ready,  but consenting adults are different.    People will do what they want.

7. Do you believe in God?
Yes. Despite my varying wars with religion over the years, I do believe.  I believe that there is hope and light and strength to be found in God's presence. I believe that prayer actually works, although many times not in the way you'd expect.  I'm still a little wary of overly organized religion, but then again, sometimes I see the connections that people make when they're together and how much good that does.

8. Do you think same sex marriage should be legalized? Yes. I see no reason that gay people should not be allowed to have the same trials, tribulations and legal protections as anyone else. I mean, straight people aren't exactly doing such a bang-up job of protecting the sanctity of marriage, so why is same sex marriage so controversial? Truly I've never seen the point of this one.

9. Do you think it's wrong that so many Hispanics are moving to the USA? I wish that this were as easy an answer as the gay marriage one.  I wish that there were a good solution to this. One that would allow people to work in the US, pay taxes and better their lives without letting so many people abuse the system. But then again, turning away the "huddled masses" seems pretty anti-American.  I don't know the answer on this one. I do know this -- the "wall" is a stupid idea.

10. A 12-year-old girl has a baby... should she keep it? No. Because a 12 year old girl is more than likely the victim of statutory rape, even if it's just another teenager. Regardless of what you think , you're not at the age of consent at 12. She and her parents should decide how to deal with the pregnancy (adoption, parental raising, etc) and she should get on with her childhood to the best she can -- with the help of counseling, etc.

11. Should the alcohol age be lowered to 18? No. 18 year olds are obnoxious at bars.

12. Should the war in Iraq be called off? 
It's really not so easy to call off a war. We're there. We need to get out, but we can't just up and leave without making a huge mess and trivializing the lives that have already been lost. Rock meets hard place. Troops stuck in middle.  I is incredibly sad to me that we're there in the first place, because I don't think we've stabilized the area.

13. Assisted suicide is illegal... do you agree that it should be? No. I think  people have the right to choose their method of passing, provided they can be proven to be mentally stable and capable of making an informed decision.

14. Do you believe in spanking your children? No children to spank. I do, however, believe in throwing a shoe at a wayward cat. Sometimes it's just the only way.

15. Are you afraid others will judge you from reading some of your answers? Considering I only have 4 friends, who I think already know all this, not really.
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