Oscar's Birthday

Feb 04, 2007 11:29

Well, Oscar had a birthday party on Friday, too! It wasn't quite as sucessful, seeing as how the birthday boy really didn't care about the streamers or even his special parmesan and butter cake, but it was fun nonetheless. (He's three, and we don't know his exact birthday...we know that it's either Feb 1, 2 or 3, so we just decided to go with Groundhog Day.)

(Here's the setup -- our cake [NOT parmesan and butter] the card, one of the presents and his hat. There were streamers, but I didn't get pictures of them.)

(Him being coerced into caring about the party. It didn't work.

(Wearing his hat for 4 seconds and looking crazed the entire time. I still can't take very good pictures.)

(This is just a picture of him in one of his favorite spots -- his personal heating pad.)

(This is the magic burrowing cat. I still suck at getting his eyes right.)

cat pictures

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