That's right...
That litte bit of white buys me not one, not two, but THREE days off work. God bless us, in Texas we sure know how to overreact. :-)
Actually, I'm going to defend Austin and say that when you have a city built entirely in overpasses, no sand/salt trucks, no person with chains, snow tires, or even the slightest clue how to drive on ice (me very much included) it gets a little ugly. The snow wasn't very accumulative, but the ice is something else.
And, since I've had so much free time, and will continue to have such for at least another day, I'm going to spam my LJ with pictures of Oscar. I finally got the new camera set up, and am using picasa to "edit" them. What I wouldn't give to have my photoshop from work at home. If these pictures are way too big, I apologize. I'm still figuring out the picasa export-y thing.
So here's the little Captain Pants:
And here he is again, trying to prove that he's good:
And here is my desk at work:
There are many interesting parts I'd like to point out on that picture, but I realize that it's not that clear of a picture, so I'll have to save those for a better one. For some reason, the thing that sticks out most in this picture is..."Miracle Whip". (Although not that you can see it, but I made my LMS desktop all by myself!)
And finally just for fun, the Uglies: (The "Little Uglies" that are desk sized.)