Feb 17, 2005 01:57
Oh man, oh man...
It's so refreshing to find someone (I know I've already said this) that really does share so much in common with you. And when it's a person who has had the MOST in common with you EVER, then you tend to cherrish it that much more. That, accompanied with the fact that she's always been a cool person, known "our" friends and is friends with them, only adds to the glory that is Corie (woah). She's the best ever and I love, WUB, and
It's so weird to think about these types of relationship-like issues and how things just kind of perfectly fall into place. Like, if this didn't happen, then we wouldn't have happened kinda deal. But the fact is it did happen and it worked out perfectly. And I regret nothing, except this not happening sooner. Also weird how we were both recently in bad/blah-like relationships and then we came together and now we're both so happy. And that's what's most important.
I was so surprised to have Corie, Jeff, and Bobert come all the way to my college to surprise me this last night. It was so sweet of them all! I only wish I had some actual alone time with Corie, but I was just so happy to see her. She means the world to me and she should know that. Too bad they didn't come sooner, we could all have done more stuff, but yeah, work and school tends to take away from people having lots of fun usually. Blech.
*sigh* only....about 17 more hours until I see her again. So LONG!!!