The Shit Storm of Life

Oct 03, 2012 17:06

Hi everyone,
I know I haven't posted on here in a while but that's because my life seriously has taken a turn for the worse. I found out that my husband of 8 years (whom I've been together with for 12) has been leading a double life. He not only cheated on me but has been living with another woman. I found out about the affair when I tried to friend him on Facebook...there were pictures of them on there together. I found out 2 weeks after my grandma died too.  He swore up and down he didn't want a divorce but then out of the blue decided to file for one anyways. He says he loves me, still wants me but he needs to be free. I signed the papers for uncontested divorce because he promised that he would help me financially. I have a piece of paper notarized to such effect but no money to file it with the cort to enforce it. Instead, I am now sitting in an apartment that he promised that he would pay for while I got myself together financially (I just started a new job and have no means of paying rent right now and the complex won't work with me and rent is now past due), and he didn't pay. So I'm going to be homeless. I can't live in my car because the Thursday the mutherfucker broke down and I can't afford to fix it. I'm going to lose the job that I just got if I can't get to work, and I live where there aren't any buses. The closest stop is 5.6 miles from my house and my job is 27 miles away. He has left me to the vultures basically. I'm in texas with no help from my family and I have nobody out here for support. Last night I tried to throw myself in front of a moving car to end it all, but it swerved out of the way. For some reason nobody called the police or anything to have me committed. I can't take anymore. I'm going to go crazy. I've sold almost everything I have that is of worth exept my laptop and stereo equipment some pieces of which were my grandma's and I don't want to lose them. I have struggled for the last 3 months to have food, and shelter because the house we were in he's all "we can't afford it so let's find a cheap apartment". So I already moved once. Now he text me last night 2 words..."I'm sorry". He hates me and wants me dead I think. Right now I wish I was.

update, life

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