Picture time!!! :D

Jan 03, 2008 19:26

Ok here she is!!! :D She's so cute you guys! She looks a lot like Danielle did when she was little (which I'll prove in a picture comparison later) but she has a different nose. It was so great to see Karen and the baby and see Danielle's reaction. :) Danielle kept pointing to her and saying "Baby!!" just as I knew she would. :) I'm thrilled to be an aunt again! Ok so enough of that onto the pics!! :D

Here's Karen with the balloon and flowers we had sent to her. :)

And here's Keira! Isn't she just adorable!!! :) I know I'm biased but seriously she is so cute. ;)

Here she is sticking her little tongue out at me! :)

Here's me and the baby! :)

Here she is peeking up at me!

Another shot of the little cutie!

And a photo of the new family! :)

I'm so proud of my sister, she's so brave! I love you Karen!! :)

I'll post the comparison picture next time because Giulio just arrived and I want to go visit. But here's the link to the rest of the photos that I put on Facebook: http://brocku.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2105740&l=30021&id=89904466

Ok now gush over her cuteness. :P You know you want to!

baby, family, photos, keira, happy

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