This is so funny!!!

Jul 26, 2010 00:36

Bold what applies to you! :D

You Know You're from St .Catharines when?
1. You played pool (at least once) at The Rack.
2. You remember the Bijou Arcade in Lincoln Mall. (If you
actually played in there consider yourself a veteran!)
3. You always wondered if anyone went inside of that
Blackbeard's Barbershop at the corner of Geneva and Linwell.
4. You shopped at Food City, Towers, Woolco, and Food Terminal
followed by their respective successors of IGA, Zellers, Walmart and
5. You ate at all 37 different Fish and Chips franchises at the
north corner of the Linwell Plaza.
6. You had your prescriptions filled at the Big V.
7. You ALWAYS refer to AVONDALE when speaking of a convenience
store no matter where you are in the world).
8. You played with and probably cried over the Tiger-Cat toys
at the front of Bargain Harold's at the Lincoln Mall.
9. You remember that stuffed animal in a hot air balloon
hanging from the ceiling inside the OLD Fairview Mall, or the live birds
the big cage.
10. You won a Book-IT coupon from elementary school and you
used it to buy a personal sized pepperoni pizza at Pizza Hut.
11. You attended at least one of the St. Alfred Italian Feasts
even if you aren't Italian.
12. You joyfully ran up and down the many brown tiled ramps
that were inside the old Pen Centre.
13. You thought that Lincoln Mall Cinemas were the best in the
city, and loved the fact that there was an arcade attached to the other side of it..
14. You worked out at either the old Downtown or Grantham
15. One of your parents or grandparents bought cold cut meats
at the Italian Shop on Garnet St.
16. Your heart flutters with recognition whenever you see
someone outside of the Niagara Region carrying a Commisso's bag.
17. You went with your parents to buy plants on Ontario Street
across from the K-Mart.
18. You were shit on at Happy Rolph's more than once!
19. One of your parents misses Joe McCaffery
20. You played in the Queen Elizabeth community centre 15 yrs
ago and you thought it was a dive even back then!  (ok not 15 years ago but main that place is bad)
21. You point out to every out of towner that Victoria School
was featured in the Christmas Story.
22. You bought velcro shoes, white underwear or socks at least
once at each major Biway outlet in the city.
23. You saw a $2 movie at the Pendale Cinemas.
24. You went on a date to TropiGolf or caused shit there with
one of your friends. Then ran down the railroad tracks when u got in trouble..
25. You had a Blue or Red Icee (aka liquid cocaine) at the
Woolco Food Court.
26. You pissed in Lancaster Pool.
27. You hate getting caught at one of the bridges (if you
understand this sentence you ARE a true St. Kitter!)
28. Your ice cream has dropped out of the cone at the Avondale
Dairy Bar on Reed Road.
29. Your ID was taken away at the Lakeside or Gord's.
30. You know Pearson Park as the "Rocket ship park". (polish airfield) - papa lol
31. You remeber the Word of Life church being an orchard.
32. You can drive through downtown without getting confused,
park for free,and find your car at the end of the night.
33. The best place to get lunch downtown was at Diana Sweets.
34. You smoked pot or tobagganed at Jaycee Park.
35. You get confused in towns without Summer and Winter bars.
36. You've been on at least one date which included "walking the pier.
37. You know the differnce between Welland, Wellandport, and
Port Weller.
38. You have a personal favourite Tim Hortons
39. You feel a certain smug supperiority over everyone who's from Thorold and especially thorold south lol
40. You hate Niagara Falls.
41. You got tricked at least once as a kid by the knife & tool
sharpening truck, mistaking it for a Dikee-Dee.
42. You went to the front window of the Hobby Shop on St. Paul
St. to put your hand on the glass and make the train go around the track.
43. You bought canned goods at Valdi's.
44. You had a birthday pizza party as a kid at Julio's, your
name was put on the train, and a Polaroid picture of you was put on a
button. (ok so no parties but I totally won a bear there and they put my picture on the wall!!!)
45. You went grocery shopping at either the Miracle Mart,
Dominion, or Loblaws at the Pen, and then bought bottles of cream soda at
the Pop Shoppe.
46. You were born at the Hotel Dieu Hospital.
47. You had a hard time deciding whether to go to the Friday
night Falcons game, or wait until Saturday to see the Saints play.
48. Jack Gatecliff Arena will always be known to you as Garden City Arena.
49. Sargeant Harry Artinian visited your school with Elmer the Safety
50. You slid down the big steel twisted slide at Motebello Park.
51. You learned how to hit a golf ball on the driving range
where Costco is now. Remember the big yellow tires?
52. A good place for ice cream was the Baskin Robbins on
Geneva Street.
53. It used to seem like you were driving far out into the country when
you went to Club Roma.
54. You slept out in at tent at Camp Wetaskiwin.
55. You've gotten really drunk at the Mansion House after the
Grape & Wine Festival Parade.
56. You were in the Pied Piper Parade at some time during your
57. You hit a methane gas pole with your ball at the Municipal
Golf Course.
58. You loved to explore the different departments (especially the toys
upstairs) at Coy Brothers.
59. Before the Mandarin, there was Kim Court, and before there
was Toys R Us there was Consumers Distributing - both at the Pendale Plaza.
60. You tell everyone around you that the song is about St. Catharines
whenever you hear "Lakeside Park" by Rush being played on the radio

61. The hideaway was the best place for concerts in the city.. even the bareneaked ladies played there
62. You had your halloween candy put through the metal detector at the convience store on haig street and thought it was so cool and didnt think about the fact they did that so you didnt choke on a razor blade lol
63. You can remember when one side of ontario street near where burger king is, used to be fields, swamps and orchards
64. You remember when the fairview mall movies opened and you used all the coupons from the newspaper to see free movies and get free popcorn and drinks opening day, along with the zillion other kids that did too :)
65. You remember when malls werent open on sundays but the pen centre would have an indoor flea market up and down the halls every sunday instead
66. You think about how huge you thought st catharines was when you were a kid but how small you realize it is now, but still love living here anyway :)
67. You remember zellers on bunting rd which is now madam mosielle fitness but even better you remember the tiny video rental place that was inside the zellers against the wall at the end of the cashiers line :)
68. You remember the keg used to be where the td bank is across from the pen centre then like 15 years after it closed it suddenly reappeared in an old factory a mile down the road ;)
69. You remember Grantham High School on linwell rd and were pissed when it turned into holy cross
70. You remember clean up week in the spring when everyone could throw out all their old crap and everyone would drive around going through each others junk to look for those hidden treasures (My mom remembers this!!!!)
71. You remember food terminal (yes this was already mentioned but not this next part) But even better you remember for 25 cents then later 50 cents you could buy big brown food terminal cardboard boxes to carry your groceries in... :)
72. You remember scottlea school and not the stupid private school it is today..
73. You remember when 4th avenue was nothing but a road surrounded by fields and farms
74. You remember having mcdonalds birthday parties on ontario street and talking to ronald in the mcdonalds phone booth hah
75. You also remember right accross the street from said mcdonalds used to be a big boy restaurant.. remember the kid in overalls that held that huge hamburger on his hand lol
76. You remember on perry street close to haig street there used to be a big huge lumber yard
77. You remember when beckers convience stores were everywhere and their orange drink in a cartoon was so tastey :)
78. You went to maywood public school and remember skating on the ice rink that was made over the baseball diamond in the winter
79. You remember the big department store kreskins(dont remember the exact spelling) on st paul street
80. You made the 15 minute car trek to vineland to go to "wet n wild" water park
81. You remember there used to be drive in movies across from brock university where the dump now is and at that drive in there was a playground in front of the movie screen :)
82. You remember the sand hills beside the canal near the lake
83. You remember watching Captain Video on our local cable station channel 10
and also remember all the weird movies people used to make and put on that channel (anyone remember phobe?) lmao
84. You're reading this and remembering most of it and realizing how old you are getting haha
85. You remember when st catharines was still known as the garden city and not the donut shop capital of the world

funny, meme

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