Twilight Squee! :D

Jun 06, 2008 19:04

Ok so I'm finished the book! And now I'm reading the sneak peek part of New Moon that was included at the end. :D (I'm totally going to get the book soon!!!) Also, it's SO HOT HERE OMG I'm MELTING!!!! :( Also, there will be spoilers behind the cut and in the comments!!! You've been warned.

Ok so my thoughts on the book time! :D Squee!

First off, the positives:

I LOVE Edward. :) And Bella. They're adorable together! I love how they both need each other so much. :D And I love how passionate Edward is. *swoons* And I hope I'm not the only one that's hoping for Bella to become a vampire too eventually? :) Cause I really really want them to make love eventually! ;) I like how Meyer managed to get us to really care for both Edward and Bella by the end. :) Rooting for the "good" vampire and his woman was easy for me though cause of Buffy. :)

The negatives:
I felt the book started off really slowly. It took me awhile to get into her writing style. Once I did I found myself enjoying it more, and then I really was hooked. But at first I wasn't sure. I guess it's cause her writing is very simplistic, not necessarily in a bad way, but just different.

What I really didn't like in the book though was how Bella's parents are practically non-existent. They play almost no role in her life and it's like she claims she cares about them and is "so close" to her mom, and yet she's always pained to have to deal with either one of them. :( I don't know, maybe it's like that for other people with their parents, but I'm REALLY close to my mom and it was just weird reading about such a distant relationship between Bella and her parents. :\

Ok so now I want your thoughts guys!!! :D Let's squee together! And point me towards some Twilight icons ok? :) And if you could link me to your posts about the book (if you don't want to have to write it out here :P) I'd really appreciate it. :D

twilight, reading, vampires, book, love

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