"Mmm - YEAH, MOM, I GOT IT. Christ... - Inuzuka's, Kiba speaking?"
"Wha- Tem?"
"What? Other chicks call you past dinnertime? Since when?"
"...Funny. Hang on, lemme go grab the other phone. Two seconds. *staticy sounds for a moment before one phone clicks off* So...what's up?"
"Ok so, all of us are over at the bar just totally fucking bemoaning another four fucking years of Republican rule under fucking George Bush of all Republican motherfuckers, and were talking about some of his major platforms and we're on about gun rights and some skinhead comes up and jumps in on it right, and starts talking all this bullshit about rifles versus handguns and I don't even fucking know, and then telling us all this shit about that Whitman fucker who like...shot fifteen people or whatever in Texas forever ago and so I was like "Oh, are you trying to make an intelligent point about gun policy leniency and how it could tie into tragedies like school shootings?" but he kept fucking going and was all like "He had this cancerous tumor in his brain that was making him all fucked up which is why he did it, the guns had nothing to do with it, they're just a tool blahblahblahblahblah" and it just pissed me off so fucking much because how can you fucking disregard all the evidence of the US being one of the most violent countries in the world and all those studies about the percentage of crime committed with a fire arm and act like the accessibility, acceptance and ignorant pride in these weapons has absolutely nothing to do with the level of crime itself?! I mean, what the fuck? And yeah sure, the person does have to be pretty fucked up in the first place, but no one would ever pull shit like that with a fucking steak knife or something and that's a weapon too. Guns definitely enable. But he would just not fucking GIVE UP this argument and my friend Evan was getting so pissed off and rightfully so, right? I'm still fucking pissed of about it, but anyway so Evan is just like "GUY, FUCK OFF" and the skinhead was all "No, its a bar, I'll stand wherever the fuck I want and you can't do jack shit about it" and Evan was just all "Fuck that noise, Jono (you know, the owner here at the Whiskey) Jono loves me and fucking hates skinheads" and just fucking decked him! The kid went flying into the crowd, there's blood everywhere, and the kid gets up and his tooth is missing and he just stares at Evan and is like "Oh yeah, its guns and not people that incite violence" and spits this big mouthful of blood right on Evan and then walks away. But then as he walks away he gives me this sneer and he mutters some shit like 'slut' that I only half fucking hear and now I'm smashing my foot into his fucking knee and I'm wearing my steel toes so you fucking know he was down and that's when the bouncer finally fucking picks him up and tosses him. And so now we're all here with this question. Which person incited the violence? The skinhead? Or us for reacting physically? And I don't fucking know because objectively, I can't help but feel that he was the bigger person because he's the one who walked away, Evan and I are the ones that hurt him because we didn't agree to his opinions. Because isn't he just as entitled to having them as I am to disliking them? But at the same time, I feel totally fucking justified for acting as I did. And I just can't seem to reconcile this, because I'm right and wrong and its this fucked up conflict between human nature and human morals and what the fuck I'm out of fucking cigarettes again?! How the hell did that happen?!! ARG *long liquid sound of drinking* Anyway. What's up with you?"
"...Just as well I got the other phone, huh? Sounds like you guys have been havin' a fun night. Who's Evan? Do I know him? Are you still at the Whiskey? *sound of a door opening and closing* And I gotta say that the skinhead may have deserved you and Evan beating the shit out of him, but you guys incited the violence there. I'd say fifty-fifty culpability, I guess. Ask Sasuke if you want a proper lawyer's opinion, though. And not much is up. Just the usual."
"I'm not so sure though, isn't making comments like that what's really inciting the situation? *sigh and another drink* Yeah, I'm still here. Anko's having a blast on the dance floor or somethin'...I don't think you know Evan. He's an old friend but really only hits the punk scene so he doesn't really go to a lot of my shows anymore or the stuff we go out to...He said he heard about Unsex Me though and wants to see us, so if you com to anymore gigs for that, you might meet him. He's really cool, I like him."
"Sounds like a good night, I'm sorry I'm missing it. I know what you're saying about that guy, but then where would you draw the line? What level of douchebaggery is enough to earn a beating?"
"Mmm...it's ok, I guess. Well, if we come back to his politics, he's supporting a man who's entire policy is douchebaggery should be violently penalized. And a good part of us is animal which is why we react physically in the first place, determining what level is appropriate and acceptable can be argued as being against our natural instinct. Plus, it's so subjective that you can't even rely on that determination one way or another."
"So why stress about it in the first place when you're never going to come to a satisfactory resolution?"
"Because it bothers me that there's no satisfactory resolution. I want there to be one."
"Wanting is all well and good, but that doesn't mean it's gonna resolve any sooner. *long yawn* Mmm. 'Scuse me."
"I know, but it'll never resolve if I don't at least try...did I wake you up? What time is it?"
"That's also true, but mainly I just meant don't give yourself an ulcer over it. And yeah, I was in bed, but it's okay. Dunno what the time is, after midnight?"
"Oh shit, is it really? I'm sorry! Are you sure it's ok? I could let you go...and I'm not going to give myself an ulcer...well, at least not over the relative value of morality."
"It's fine, it's fine, really. You know I don't sleep much anyway. The mutt says hello, by the way."
"Yeah, but I also know you get up stupidly early so little is now less...Aww 'Maru~~ *smooch noises*"
"I'll survive. And how come he gets smooches?! Are you two having a fling behind my- YES MOM, OKAY, OKAY. CHRIST. Sorry, get yelled at by the queen bitch. Bear with me while I find some pants'n'stuff...where'd they go...*sounds of drawers being opened and shut and clothes being pulled on before the door is reopened* C'mon mutt, let's migrate. *another yawn* So what else are you crazy city-dwellers up to this long weekend, huh?"
"I haven't seen you since like...I don't know, forever, of course I had to start seeing someone else. He keeps saying he's going to run away with me but I don't believe him. Also, boooo pants. Anko and I declared today a no pants day, you can't wear pants!"
"Whatever, you saw me like two days ago! And does that mean you're both currently pantsless? Skirts don't count."
"Not really. That was two minutes tops in the hall. Ummm...we're not wearing underwear, does that count? At least I'm not and...judging by her shorts...she's not either."
"Then you totally don't have a case here! Besides, I need pants. I'm going outside and it's fucking freezing."
"It counts. Why are you going outside? *muffled: Oh yeah, another. Thanks!*"
"So does not. And I'm going outside because I'm keeping the family awake. Apparently."
"If you saw the skirt I'm wearing and then knew I wasn't wearing anything other than garters under it, you eat those words so fast you'd choke. You're really keeping them up? Ah shit Kiba, I'm sorry, do you guys have paper walls or something? I should let you go..."
"I thought I asked you not to do that thing with the mental images when you call. That's just cruel. And I said it's okay, already. Stress less."
"*muffled: Oh, that's mine--* Just a sec, Kiba *shuffling, muffled: Keep the change- more shuffling, drinking noise* Mmm....You asked me to not do what now? *more drinking* I'm working on the stress thing, I've just got the tolerance of an ox some nights..."
"I asked you to stop...ah, fuck it. Which skirt are you pantie-less under tonight, then? Whatcha drinkin'?"
"Huh? Oh, it's a new one actually. Jean. Found it at this thrift store but it was too small so I split the sides and sewed in some leopard print panels...I like the hem of it a lot, its all frayed and stringy and shit, and there are blow out spots all over from wear...it's really cool. Mmm *more drinking* just beer."
"Okay, good. The less I can picture it, the better. *yaaaawn* Why are you drinking beer if you wanna 'de-stress' via alcohol?"
"Doesn't that just mean your imagination can really run wild? And I like beer. I'm not really in the mood to get stupidly fucked so hard liquor's off the table."
"At least I don't have tasty memories of that one. I don't mind you keeping me warm but getting me hot'd just be mean! *a short laugh*"
"*laugh*...*drinks* So, what have you been up to lately?"
"This and that. Hammering out a setlist for the gig, working on some new songs, practising, working up here...wow, that sounds a lot busier than I thought."
"Haha, a good busy though. Explains why you've been scarce. I was starting to think you were avoiding me. *muffled: What? No, *laugh* fuck off-- I'm on the phone!*"
"Haha, what's the commotion?"
"Wha- Sorry Kiba *muffled: Get your mitts off--*a male voice* Hey. Who's this?"
"Wha- ...name's Kiba. Who's this?"
"Oohhh...Kiba *muffled: 'the fuck's Kiba?* This is Evan. Who the hell are you?"
"Ohh, Evan the skinhead-puncher? I go to school with Tem."
"Ha! Yeah, that one. *muffled: You're still in school Temmy? How the fuck old are you now? I seriously thought you were at least legal by no-Ow!* School huh? That's cool. She a good student? Do they still make her wear a uniform? How 'bout those pigtails or hers? She have those in when she's at school? *muffled: Ow! Stop hitting me!! -laughing- They're cute!*"
"Hahaha! I think the only uniform she goes for is pantsless. 'Specially on Tuesdays. How's the band there tonight?"
"*laughs* Oh Tuesdays. I know all about those Tuesday ha-Ow! *muffled: What was that for? Shut up about what? Crazy bi-Ow! Quit it! Can't you see I'm on the phone, woman?!* Christ...broads man...the band's ok. A little weak, but they all are these days, you know? Tem says they're decent, but she's a sap. Aha! *muffled: caught you th-Ow! Damnit!*"
"Man, sounds like you're taking a beating there, dude! I'd offer backup, but she might break me. You know how it is."
"Haha, yeah, I know. If anyone can break a man it's thi-Oowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww *muffled: Ok, ok! Just gimme a sec!* Alright Kiba, good talk. Here's Temmy--*shuffling and then Tem's voice again, muffled: Go hydrate Anko or something! Christ.* Kiba? *drinking* Sorry about that, he's an ass when he gets into the whiskey."
"Really? I kinda liked him, Temmy. How many bruises didja give the poor guy, huh?"
"Pft, not one. He's built like a house, he's just a big baby. Ha, I told you you'd like him didn't I, Kibbles?"
"...Truce on the shitty nicknames?"
"You are never to mention that name to me again, and I'll do the same."
"Ok then. *drinks*"
"Stop yawning, you're making me feel guilty."
"Sorry, sorry. There's just not much keepin' me as awake as you. Aside from the obvious, o'course."
"We'll have to do something when you get back. You know, if you can fit it into your schedule."
"Heh, I'll see what I can do. Whatcha got in mind?"
"I don't know yet, something that'll keep you awake though, clearly. Worst case we can go play pool at Black Ball, that's always fun. What do you want to do?"
"Hey, you know how badly I suck at decisions! Don't give me options, woman. Pick something and say that's what we're doing."
"Well then you'll have to wait in suspense until I come up with something suitably awesome."
"You really don't want me to sleep tonight, do you?"
"At least not for a little while longer."
"Hahaha. Ehh. Fine with me."
"So, what else is good? When do I get to hear this new material?"
"The new material is debuting at the gig, naturally...ahhh, shit, you're not gonna be there though, right?"
"Is that one late December the only one you've got coming up?"
"Yeah, basically. We're practising like mad as it is. Besides, Zaku's got his stuff with you guys, too, so that takes a bit of time out."
"Man...blow...yeah, I've got a gig with Anko and 'Yuya that night at Puss."
"Damnit. Well, you're gonna miss one helluva show! Just for the record. I think Zaku's been taking lapdance lessons from Ino special for it and everything~"
"I'm sorry...I want to be there. Especially for the lap dances. I've become a pretty major fan of those."
"Ah well, next time. I'm sorry I'll miss your gig, that's lame."
"Mm...I don't know if you'd like mine anyway. They're getting more and more...performance art and targetless fury."
"And that's a bad thing...?"
"No but yes in some ways. There are a lot of fights."
"Ouch. That could suck, I can see that."
"But, my arms are getting their old definition back as a result which is kind of funny."
"HAHAHA. Remind me not to piss you off too much, then."
"That'd be a good plan, my friend. *short laugh and drinks*"
"*laughs* Are we out of conversation already?"
"Haha! That'd suck. Umm, let's see...Hmm. So. You like stuff?"
"Oh man, I'm totally into stuff. I'm a huge fan of loud stuff. But quiet stuff has its place in my heart too. And like...hard stuff. That stuff is awesome. How about you?"
"Oh yeah, I love me some hard stuff. Well, depending on context and company, I suppose."
"What? How limiting."
"All God's chillun got limits, gal."
"Fuck that noise."
"...heh. Fucking noise would be wild."
"Ooohhh, that's an idea. We could incorporate some into that collab we're supposed to do. Are we still doing that?"
"Sure, why not? Sounds rad. Fucking, noise...what's not to love?"
"I think it is awesome that you've managed to say at least three different things using the same two words."
"Thank you! But I'm pretty sure I've only said two? And even that's really debatable, if you squint right..."
"Not so, fucking noise can say to things. One, the sound of people fucking and two, literally fucking sound."
"Touchë. No asking me which one I meant, I'm not sure myself."
"I thought you meant the first initially, but I find myself more intrigued by the second and the possibilities that lie therein."
"I think I actually meant the second one. Weirdly enough."
"*laugh* Figures."
"Figures what?"
"Figures that we were having two completely different conversations by accident."
"Hahaha...yeah, we're getting pretty good at those."
"We really are living proof that speaking isn't necessarily communicating! It's to the point where I think it's hilarious though, rather than frustrating."
"I personally really like the bit where it legitimately works both ways. That's pretty fucking funny."
"Yeah, that's really fucking funny."
"And probably testament to how shitty we are at this 'communication' gig...oh, well."
"Whatever, we manage to be fluent in body language, that's communicating too. Doesn't work as well when you're visiting home, so this will have to do, but you know."
"Hmmm, sometimes we're still pretty crap at that too, I think."
“Damnit, you’re right. Maybe we should work on this. Or something. Eh…*drinks*”
"Think of all the fun we'd miss if we did, though."
“Heh, something like that.”
"*short laugh* Maybe we're just addicted to irresolution."
"Mmm maybe. Or to drama."
"That'd make sense. I am a theatre major, after all."
"So you are! How is theatre anyway?"
"It's good. Pretty random sometimes, but it's fun. I'm better at it than I thought I'd be, which probably helps a little, too..."
"Of course you're good at it, I can't believe you expected anything less."
"Well, it was a bit of a change from playing soldier. *pause* ...maybe not much of change sometimes, but still. *laugh*"
"*laugh* A good change?"
"Hmm. I think so. A necessary one, anyway, and not a bad one."
"So...close enough? Basically? That's what you're telling me?"
"*laugh* I'm saying yeah, it's a good change."
"Good! Then I'm glad you made it. *drinks* Fuuuuuuckkk the band is such crap tonight."
"Aww, no hipthrusts to make it worthwhile?"
"Ugh, no. Not a single one! Their lead has a belly anyway, it would be gross."
"Hahaha! Wait-- *sounds of movement* There, did you get that?"
"*laughs* Did you just thrust into the phone?"
"That's just how much I care."
"*more laughter and a sudden bang, then bar noise static, shuffling and the chuckling* Sorry, I dropped the phone."
"How could you drop the phone on me?! I'm hurt, Tem. You might have missed another Inuzuka Special. And let me tell you, they look pretty retarded out here all by my lonesome..."
"I couldn't help it! I was just so overcome with the glory that my nerves short circuited and I lost my grip! I gotta say though, I can name several people that might argue that you look pretty retarded when you thrust at crowds also."
"*more laughing*"
"Oh, well. As long as one person appreciates their true glory..."
"Ah baby, you know I love them. And I'm definitely loud enough for at least three people."
"It's all that keeps me going when the non-believers start throwing rocks at me."
"Perseverance in the face of adversity is so hot."
"I'm not sure it's so much perseverance as it is mule-headed stubborn idiocy, but I'm so claiming that anyway."
"Bah, same thing."
"So why are you guys still there if the band's crap?"
"There's nothing else to do tonight and it's too early to go to bed...And I guess they're not that bad, better than a jukebox anyway or some club with all that shitty dance music and fucking...trend whores and shit."
"There's that, I suppose."
"Besides, Anko's here...somewhere. I can't really leave her to get herself fucked up."
"Young Blondie's not there to keep an eye out for her?"
"No, he's at work."
"Ahhh, okay. Man, sucks to be working for Thanksgiving, though."
"I suppose it might if he was missing family stuff or something...but as it stands, he's not missing anything and getting holiday pay. S'not too shabby."
"True. And his bosses seem pretty awesome, from all accounts."
"Yep. I get a bit weirded out by the drag queen though, not gonna lie. I think I just...don't understand."
"Don't understand drag queens? Yeah...neither."
"*walking sounds* Man, what a shitty night. Not even any stars."
"Really? Not even way the hell out there in the middle of nowhere? That's...really depressing."
"Well, they'll be up there. There's just clouds in the way tonight. Last night, though, that was pretty stellar...ahahaha."
"*chuckles* You're so lame."
"I think the term you're after here is 'loveable'. For the record."
"Pft, you just keep telling yourself that *drinks*"
"Thanks! Don't mind if I do; someone has to."
"Well, I'm sure you'll come to believe it if you repeat it often enough."
"I figure it's worth a shot."
"How you doin' with those other repetition exercises we talked about?"
"I have my moments, I guess."
"Hmm *glass noise* Ah fuck, I'm empty again. Where the hell did the waitress go..."
"Set something on fire, that oughta bring her running."
"No? Are you sure?"
"...I asked first!"
"I'm thinking about it. It would work. The question is would I manage to get a drink after getting her attention, or will she be too distracted by the fire? Also, would Jono ever let me drink here again?"
"I never said it was perfect solution, I just said it'd get her attention."
"I think I need to scrap it though...gimme another idea."
"...stand on the bar and yell?"
"I have to get off the phone to do that..."
"Hmmm. Throw shit at her?"
"Oh--....huh...I don't really have anything to throw. How did that happen?"
"What about your glass?"
"Smashing a beer bottle'll get me kicked out. And probably get some people cut up with the glass...s'not very nice...Ah fuck it. I've pro'bly had enough for a little while anyway."
"Next time you'll know better and bring throwable shit."
"I usually do...I could have sworn I had at least two belts on when I left the dorms, I could have thrown those."
"Steal some drunk guy's and throw that?"
"Hmmm, that's promising."
"Bonus points if it's studded. More bonus points if it's a skinhead's and you have to knock him out to get at it."
"*laughs* We should play this game when you get back."
"Heh, okay. Sounds like a pretty fucking good way to destress, actually..."
"Mmm, it does."
"I'll pencil it in."
"Ooohh, I feel important."
"If you're really lucky I might even ink it."
"Be still my beating heart!"
"I'd say I'd ink it in big letters, but that might be taking things too far."
"The thought alone would make me drop the phone again."
"Oooh, baby, baby. What if I did in...red pen?"
"Mmmmm, baby. Don't go there when all I've got to between my legs is air."
"...I'll throw in a breakfast date the next morning, then?"
"Only for red ink and a heart."
"Hmm. A heart? Hmmm. I don't know...ah, what the hell. For breakfast, I'll do it."
"I'll make it worth your while, I promise ♥"
"Fine. Done deal. Big red ink letters with a heart for breakfast."
"When'd you schedule it for?"
"...I haven't yet, as we haven't discussed times and whatnot. Also, I don't have a diary. Or even a piece of paper. Let alone a red pen."
"Ahhh...tease. You got me all hot and bothered and it was just theoretical."
"I never said it was theoretical!"
"You just said you didn't write it down on any day with anything. That makes it a theoretical event."
"I said I haven't written it down yet."
"Alright, well, when will you write it down for?"
"I dunno...when's a good time for you?"
"When do you get back?"
"Hmmm. After the weekend, but then we're mad-busy with practices and shit...hmmm. After our respective gigs?"
"Like...the end of December...?"
"Unless you're going somewhere?"
"Umm...no. Not that I know of yet, anyway. O-k...December."
"Rad. I'll go buy a diary and mark it in."
"Write it in your notebook. Red ink. With a heart."
"Got it. 'Tem and Kiba, breakfast date.' ...wait, which day?"
"After a night of stealing from skinheads and throwing things at bar staff. That part's important too. I don't fucking know. When're the shows again?"
"The 28th! Gosh, don't you have a diary?"
"I have a notebook and a journal, both are in my dorm room."
"Poor dedication there, Tem! 'Sides, how can you forget when you have a gig on?"
"I just have a lot coming up, I forgot when yours is."
"Come on, it's not like you can name mine either. And this one is still a month away. In two weeks I would have known."
"Whatever!! I see how it is here..."
"You're pouting, aren't you."
"...maybe a little."
"Aww muffin. Remind me to kiss it better if I see you between now and the New Year."
"What do you mean 'if you see me'? I'm not that hard to find...am I?"
"I mean if I see you. Like you said, you're busy, I'm busy, so if you keep being all moody and cloistering yourself, I'm not going to have the time or the inclination to hunt you down. So if I see you."
"Yeah, moody."
"I don't call you moody when you're busy and hard to squeeze so much as a 'hello' from!"
"But you would call me moody if I stormed out midway through one of your gigs, spent the next two days in a drunken haze you weren't invited to and then avoided you like the plague for two weeks. *muffled: Hey, over here! Could you bring me two please? Thanks.*"
"...I haven't been avoiding you."
"Oh, I totally believe you."
"Swear to the gods of rock'n'roll."
"Mmmhmm. *muffled: Thanks*"
"Well, believe what you want, then."
"*drinks* I just said a believed you."
"And it was drenched in sarcasm."
"That's just how I talk. Surely you've noticed this by now."
"Quit that, damnit."
"...you know what? Fine. If you want to be pissed at me or whatever, go right ahead. But I am not getting into some passive-aggressive bullshit fight over it. Or over anything else."
"*sigh followed by a long drink*"
"*scuffing sounds* ...still wasn't avoiding you."
"...*drinks* Can you see any stars yet?"
"Hmm...not yet. But it's clearing a little, I think."
"Let me know if you can see Orion."
"Heh. Will do."
"...This chick is giving the most fucking evil look."
"What'd you do to her?"
"Nothing! Jeez. I think she wants the phone."
"Hahaha. I'm surprised you haven't run out of quarters yet, actually..."
"The phone's broken, you don't actually have to pay at all if you know how to work the pulses."
"Oooh, sweet trick."
"I am a master of many random but unbelievably useful skills."
"Like what else?"
"Mmmm....like...sutures. And how to get sweat stains out of white tshirts."
"Nifty! You're way more useful than I am. Unfair."
"As if there was any doubt."
"You're so modest."
"Realistic Kiba, realistic."
"Yeah, yeah, talk it up!"
"You know it's true ♥"
"You don't have to, I'm on to you Inuzuka. I know your tricks."
"Awww, nuts."
"*chuckles* So. Tell me something good."
"Something good? Hmm. Hmmm. I look hot in leather jackets?"
"I already know that."
"Aww, I'm glad you agree, then. ♥"
"I thought it was a well established fact that you look hot in basically anything but most especially in nothing. So, tell me something new and good."
"Mmm, tasty ego-stroking. *laugh* Hmm, something new and good...I don't think I really have anything, actually. Not that there have been bad things, just nothing so outstanding that it...well, stands out, I guess. What's new and good with you?"
"Hmmm...Naruto and I landed a regular gig at this coffee shop in the village, that was pretty good and pretty recent. I finally decided on my selections for the Jazz Cafe, also good. S'about it though."
"Nice! Whatcha gonna sing?"
"Can't tell you."
"What?! Tease!"
"You told me to keep you warm, not get you hot. Therefore, I can't tell you."
"Fine. See if I care!"
"Fine then, don't."
"Big meanie."
"Spoilsport. Why can't you just be excited to be surprised?"
"Because I wanna know noooooow!"
"Make it worth my wile, and I might tell you one."
"Hmm. What's considered as a satisfactory bribe these days?"
"I think that depends on the person. Make a suggestion."
"Give me a nudge in the right direction first. *yaaaawn*"
"I'm partial to experiences over material goods. But maybe you should just go to bed rather than play this with me, your yawning is making me tired."
"I'm fine, I'm fine. Hey, is that one chick still giving you the evils for not giving up the phone?"
"Umm...nah, I think she got fed up and went to use the phones outside."
"What? No dedication, that girl."
"You didn't see the look I gave her, the fact that she bailed just means she had a lick of sense in her."
"That does put a different light on things."
"Mmhmm *drinks*"
"...*drinks*.........I don't recognize that. Is it yours?"
"Huh? Oh. Yeah, one of our new ones."
"*chuckles* Now who's the tease? Sounds good so far."
"Well, if you were comin' to our gig you'd hear it in full, wouldn't you?"
"You booked your gig after I'd already booked mine! It's not like I was looking for an excuse to bail on you or something."
"Hmm, well, I guess that's a fair excuse..."
"Besides, I can argue the same about you now consequently missing my gig, so I think we should just call this one a moment of suck and get over it."
"For the record, I didn't know what the date was when we were booked. I blame that one entirely on Zaku. But, agreed. Truce?"
"Mmm I can't get mad at Zaku for that. Truce. Can I maybe sneak into some practices?"
"Check with Mr Magic Fingers, you might throw off his grooooove."
"Yeah...he does that every now and again."
"I've noticed."
"Ah, well. We'll cure him of it some day, I suppose."
"With any luck and probably a lot of whiskey."
"Do we want to give him anything that firey?!"
"I figure it'll keep him distracted if it keeps burning after he's done swallowing."
"It might kill him, though."
"Is his stomach really that thin? That's...really sad."
"Heheheh, I might be exaggerating a little...not very much, though!"
"Well, at least he plays like a monster."
"Very true. That's why we keep him around."
"I'd do the same, not gonna lie."
"Heh. He's gotta have SOME uses."
"*chuckles* Mmm...*drinks* Just some though."
"I'm still more useful, though, right? ♥"
"Mmm...I don't know. When I really think about it, there's not much either of you do that I can't do myself, just as well. But I suppose I like you better, for what that's worth."
"...that was a really backhanded compliment. Ouch."
"You walked into it by fishing in the first place."
"Where did all that ego-stroking from before go?! *a muffled thump*"
"Where did my reasons to stroke go?...did you just manage to knock your knee into the wall again?"
"What, my all-round mind-blowing sexy and awesome isn't enough these days? And no, I'm outside, goober. Akamaru's bouncing around like a puppy again."
"Not when I'm not witnessing it in any capacity. You must have the most amazing cordless phone on the planet if the call hasn't dropped yet and you're wandering around outside. That's insane."
"Pff whatever, my awesome totally transmits down phone lines. And I'm only about four yards away from the receiver, so it's not really that impressive."
"Some of it maybe, but definitely not all. And really, if you want to compete with me, you need to bring you're A game. Still...the one I used to have would always get staticy as soon as I got a wall between the phone and the base."
"You're so cruel...and we have top-of-the-line out here, baby. Mainly because Hana's a dork and always walks off to the clinic when she's on the phone. Haha!"
"Cold hard facts my friend. It's the world that's cruel, not me. Hmmm, yeah, that'd be a good reason to invest in a righteous phone."
"You're totally milking this. I can't believe you called me up after midnight from the Whiskey to kick my self-esteem around a little! Harsh."
"That's not why I called, it has just worked out that way. But if you're really feeling that hard done by...how can I make it up to you?"
"Hmmm. I'm not sure. Anything I can think of sort of involves us being in the same locale, at any rate..."
"Hmm...guess you'll just have to come back some time."
"Heh, guess so. I'll be back day after tomorrow, at any rate."
"That's good."
"Not missing me, are you~?"
"Sorry, I didn't quite catch that one?"
"*drinks* As if."
"FINE. No point in me coming back, then!"
"You'd come back just for me in the first place?"
"Only if you missed me~"
"*drinks*...Do you miss me when you're away?"
"What sort of question is that?"
"The same kind you asked me. Not very fair, huh?"
"I'm going to plagiarize your answer, then: Pff, as if."
"I suspected as much. *drinks* Uh oh, I think Anko just spotted me on the phone..."
"Which means you're leaving me. Heh, enjoy the rest of your night, then."
"Nggghhh...she looks pissed off, I'm kind of scared to get off the phone now. Tell my brothers I love them if I'm never heard from again!"
"Well, you DID just ditch her for a good hour to talk to me. Although if the band was shit, I'm totally the better option. Don't let her kick your ass too badly!"
"Oh fuck, has it really been that long? I really only meant to talk to you for five minutes, tops. I swear! Do you think she'll buy it? Can I blame you? Damn, gotta go, I just will anyway. *loud smooch* Bye Sarge, I'll see you...sometime after you get back, I guess."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Later."