(no subject)

Apr 12, 2008 00:48

Okay. I'll write shortly. Again, I have not slept last night. I haven't slept for two nights because of physical tension, anxiety. I did drift into lucid dreams though when I got a sleeping pill O_O why didn't I fall asleep, even if I'm dead tired? Waaaahhh!! I feel like my heart's gonna give in...

I did though try with a walk. And went to loiter in drift stores. I had a majorly nice surprise on my account which made me really really excited! I went straight ahead to purchase a Nemi-album which gave me good guffaws. And I got Jean-Michel Jarre's Zoolook on vinyl - FINALLY! I'll go to bed with that in my arms tonight. (Ric, honey, I told you you have a rival... o_O)

Who says material goods won't bring you happiness? :D okay, call me a materialist. Maybe it won't make you happier, but it sure can bring you a more pleasant form of misery. I know I'm not very chipper at the moment.

Speaking of Jarre. I spent some really cool 5 days in Stockholm, meeting my special friend there. There was some camping in the woods, lodging in his car, and there was lots of animal instinct o_O there was karaoke, WoW, driving and wandering around in Stockholm. Music, dreaming, nightwalking, talking. Talking, relating, telling the very same tales from our own lives... And there was love. So I'm in a relationshit again. lol. Can't stop calling them that ._____. Anyway, there is a twist: he lives in *drum roll* Norway! Haha. What's this thing with me and min. 200 mile distances in relationships!? Well, as I've always put it, there's no problem with the space I need! I don't feel smothered. Hm, maybe I just should get it together with a gay guy and I wouldn't worry about having him on my heels all the time .___.

Anyway. So, Stockholm...Friday was a blast. We had ordered our tickets separately, so I ended up watching the concert from my darling's lap ^^ Monsieur Jarre presented all the instruments separately, his "ladies" as he called them. Then they tuned them. And the concert itself...the way he moves. played, it was like he was making love with the synthesizers. Well, they were his ladies .___.

Wheee ^^ sitting there, resonating with the vibrating and bubbling space-synth sounds really made me feel stoned sitting there, staring and drifting, feeling the soundwaves just filtering through me like this cool, penetrating laser light. I closed my eyes, and I really saw just abstraction. Like flowing, twisting ribosome proteins. I even cried.

People, now I can die with peace. I have had my biggest dream since years back come true...


I love my Richard. but yeah, Jarre. That was something.

music, concerts, love

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