(no subject)

May 19, 2011 11:14

Some of you may or may not remember my sister's mishap when she fell from a balcony, pretty exactly a year ago.

Well. She's in a hospital again - psych ward this time. She called me on Saturday, turns out Friday, dad had went just a bit psycho on her again, yelling at her and her friend, shouting out abusive shit and harassing her to the point of panic attack (she had called the cops twice), in which she slit her wrists pretty badly. She passed out from blood loss, her friend called an ambulance and she was rushed in to be stitched up. She ended up with 15 stitches and a psych ward referral.

But I know who really should be at that psych ward. Locked up in a room and have the goddamn key thrown away. Fucking psycho. My patience is running really low. I haven't spoken to him since February because he went psycho on me - once again! - then and I just had it with his abuse. I see no point in subjecting myself to that shit, nor do I want him to think that he can treat me how the hell he wants with no regard for consequences, so there you go. I got through and past the shite he subjected me to, but I won't tolerate this kind of behavior toward my sister. I really feel like killing the bastard right now, he's nothing but poison to his environment and spreads pain and anger wherever he breathes. This kind of toxic emotional waste should be banned in some EU directive.

I just hope she'll get that own apartment soon so that she won't need to spend any more time around that sorry asshole.


pain, rant, family

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