(no subject)

Sep 27, 2005 23:12

i havtn updated in forever. to tell you the truth i got reli bored of lj... i like reading others, but with the whole writing thing i have nothign to say at all.

i was reading chunkylimes lj entry. and she was botching about the ppl at me skool (wonder why) but some girls are liek pretending to take offense to it and they are just being stupid about it. so if you are reading htis, get over yourseleves. she has hte right to say that stuff. she is jsut saying wat she thinks nad feels and thats is allowed. its not liek you guys are nice to her n e ways. you may have thought you were being nice to her... but wen you put that group of ppl 2gether, you guys arnt reli nice to n e one but eachother. and i know im not hte only person who thinks that.
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