Title: Hold it in.
Artist: Suitopi
Rating: M(?)
Prompt: 55. Cyber
Warning(s): PEEN(is) xD
I've never drawn Yamamoto before... and Gokudera only part of his face and chibi styled. So in a way this feels like my first time xD!! Ah... it's just a pencil sketch. Sorry for that. =w= I picked this prompt because I was actually going to make a Doujin along these lines and after seeing that prompt I just had to draw it xD!
Just pretend Yama's chair is... special... and invisible... xD! -Only noticed after scanning, but is lazy.- Sorry for those wanting Yama!peen. None of that this time. Maybe next time. =w=;
Goku has to hold it in and not touch it until Yama says so. Oh poor Goku >3<;