Nov 08, 2006 19:21

I finally watched it last night!! Because I missed it on Sunday, I went to a gig, but YAY FOR REPEATS!!1

cut for spoilers

WAAH IANTO DONT GO!!! <333 Ianto is total love. Omigosh Jack/Ianto, gaaahhh *drools madly* But is he gonna leave or not?! I hope not :(

And Owen and Gwen! That was actually quite good, and it was really funny how they shot it Owen snogging Gwen and then Jack snogging Ianto (ok, it WAS snogging, that was NOT mouth to mouth, hahaha). Gah! It was so great!

And the Cyberwoman idea was cool too. If RTD (ok I know he didn't write this ep but still) can make a Cyberwoman, can he make a female Doctor? :o

I'm writing an Ianto/Jack fic... But I don't know wether to make it into pr0n, or just like light gentle stuff. I mean, I'm in the mood for pornyness, but... would it suit better for just kissies? I'll probably write two endings. Mwahaha >D no escape!

slash, fic, torchwood

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