a bit late, but....WELCOME TO MY JOURNAL
yes. i DO enjoy my sparkles. DONT WORRY!!! I AM PERFECTLY SANE~ lies!!!!! so yeah, im a spazz, but dont worry, im not dangerous as long as my bowl is filled and i have something cold to drink~
soooo, yep. we should so totally meet up at AX with our cosplays. xDDDD im done with Yoite, now i just have to work on Fran. xD
aaaaanyway, just popping in to complain about LJ for a sec.
so yeah,, it took me a bit of a long time to make this:
then it tells me i cant upload it because its too big... WTF DAMMIT!?!?!?!! it was 98 layers, 98!!!! *sobs*
i wish i could fangirl over P3 with someone right now. ;A; it would make my Minato shirt very happy. he's lonely with only me fangirling.. [crap, now my shirt has feelings... run gaiz!!!! she's finally lost it!]
for some wierd reason, im wearing my bel wig with my crown and my black and purple shirt that goes with the cosplay. WTH?? i seem to always be cosplaying. like today i went to the mall wearing a yellow turtleneck sweater, a black overcoat, black pants, black shoes, and my hair under a puffy brown hat with only my bangs hanging out. yes folks, i was basically wearing my yoite cosplay to the mall. and i bought a suit. one, its for a school trip where i have to be dresssed nicely because were going to see an opera, two, it looks mafia and the shirt i bought with it is bright red. what??? it goes with my storm ring!!!!! and if i pur my bel wig and crown on with it, ill be bel in a suit and look all mafia-like. WOOHOOOOO!!! xDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
kk, i have nothing else to say so i will stop spouting nonsense now... night!!!!!!