Title: Numbers Pairing: Yehsung x Ryeowook Rating: PG-13 Genre: fluff Summary: Ryeowook thinks it is all about numbers. Notes: this is a bit simple, maybe.
it was sent to me by a higher level [most likely ryeowook] because of my amazing fangirlness and how after missing for three and a half weeks i spent two hours catching up on ryeowook pictures...
did i mention that i'm a bit crazy?
BUT i'll share with you since you're cool and i kind've likelove you 8D.
you're cute. 78D
write more.
did i mention that i'm a bit crazy?
BUT i'll share with you since you're cool and i kind've likelove you 8D.
kekeke i'm so dramatic. SURPRISE! PANDA TIME!
one day, we should get together and just throw ryeowook cuteness at each other. XD
why haven't I friended you yet? can I friend you~ :3? ♥
:D and yeah, feel free to friend me. I'll friend you back. xD and maybe we can talk there instead of spamming this poor writer's entry.
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