Title: Numbers Pairing: Yehsung x Ryeowook Rating: PG-13 Genre: fluff Summary: Ryeowook thinks it is all about numbers. Notes: this is a bit simple, maybe.
YehWook! ♥ this is adorable xD Ryeowook's a bit of an oddling but manages to be very endearing about it all, and I love the dynamics between him and Yeh, not to mention the hint of consideration Yeh shows for Heechul. understated and sweet~
I should probably try and write Yehwook a little more detailed than this, this was actually just a silly quick drabble haha. Thank you very much anyway ^^ (and thanks for letting me add you on my other journal btw)
Comments 29
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But he's faaaaar higher than a 5. <333
^-^ I thought this was really good. x3
Thank you ^^
this is adorable xD Ryeowook's a bit of an oddling but manages to be very endearing about it all, and I love the dynamics between him and Yeh, not to mention the hint of consideration Yeh shows for Heechul. understated and sweet~
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