Once apon a time there was a conversation in a metaquotes thread

Mar 11, 2009 11:48

tabbyclaw said in response to a post in metaquotes:
I've been planning to cross-stitch "WWSD?" on my knitting bag for a while, but I know that even in electric green floss nobody's going to get it. I'm still trying to figure out how to chart out "WWShegoD?" without it looking completely dorky.

Yes, I am aware of what I jsut said.

To which I replied: If I walked past you carrying that it would amuse me for the rest of the day. Possibly the entire week. And with that I think I just outed myself as a dork.

Conversation ensued and then a silence fell. Months passed. But today a perfect thing occurred:
tabbyclaw put up the picture, I did a bit of tweaking and the following icon was born.

It's daft. But I'm happy.



Death match still ongoing. Vote Booth! (OMG so much lovely booth picspam on there. mmm tasty.)

flights of insanity, march madness, uf, icons

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