Sep 21, 2014 13:11
Bus and train dayrover in my pocket, the transport network is mine to conquer. Huzzah!
I had a lovely long run yesterday morning along the canal, saw a foal and a dragonfly. It gets proper country really quick which is nice for somewhere so close to me. The walk to uni takes about 45 mins and is totally doable, though I am hoping to get onto the bike this week once I have the key to the bike cages behind the labs.
This week was exhausting! Working all day and then trying to squash in all the "I've moved" things that have to be done into the evenings and weekends. But I'm mostly unpacked (I'm saying this cos my folks brought over a second hand book case yesterday and I have unpacked the DVD's and the whisky and that's all that counts).
So this day is my own. Hence the exploring. Bring on the Yorkshire!