Thor has arrived. All hail Thor

May 11, 2012 21:42

(Thor being the new TV that I got on Done Deal for 60Euro that I am VERY happy with).

Was just in the shop round the corner buying chocolate, Pringles, trifle and a bottle of red wine. Might as well have stuck a note on my forehead saying "Hormonal Woman, Beware."

Aaanyway. Galway. Awesome place. Full of Craic. And Beer. And Hookers. (lol - tis a BOAT!). I ate all the sushi and drank all the drinks. Even drank a rainbow. That's multicoloured beverage with skittles at the bottom. You drink the drink, and then you eat the skittles. And then you fall over. Or in my case dance on a pole. With random people. IN AWESOME BOOTS. You in the awesome boots? Call me sometime. Even though you don't have my number and were probably only visiting Galway anyway.

I went to an aquarium and saw Baby Jellerfishes and then ate fish and chips :D I DRANK Galway Hooker (A Boat AND A Beer!) and ate Italian ice-cream and delicious Chinese dumplings (not at the same time). As proper bonefide tourists we of course took the tour bus. Of which there is only one. The driver's lovely. And has a good memory. And toots and waves every-time he sees you around town for the next 2 days. Cue some confused tour participants.

This week I have been doing the scary enzyme digest part of my experiment that allows me to send goop to Scotland. It goes on Monday. Data may return as soon as the end of the week. DATA! So close I can TASTE IT. Hence scary day today as if I slipped up, that would be a year's work down the tubes. (Please bring me Good Data Mr Santa Claus. I've been such a very good girl - pole dancing not withstanding).

Weekend approacheth! W00t. I will mostly be purchasing things for the flat now that I don't have a wedding to pay for/prepare for. TOWELS. And a Towel rack for good measure. Light shade. Pillows for the spare room. Ya know... Stuff.

Will also be watching TV. Cos, ya know... THOR.

science yay!, holidays, work, travel, ireland forever, weekend

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