Mar 26, 2004 15:08
well, ty did a list, so mine will follow as before. only this time, i'm gonna be REALLY stupid about it
Real Name: Beef Switz
Classification: Aspiring Porn Star/viscious killer
Age: 20
Group Affiliation: Kliq
Strengths: Ability to scare people by saying "yea, I'm a Marine....bitch." Also has level 9 cum shot ability which he uses to smother breasts in sugary semen.
Weaknesses: Blatant pussy.
Quote: "God Damnit that makes me so angry"
Mike Maher
Real Name: Maher
Classification: Marsupicus wombatus
Age: 93.25 (in human years, 20)
Group Affiliation: Formerly of the Kliq, now a Member of the skover-Maher marriage clan
Strengths: Ability to "get laid" (as he calls it) on a daily basis. Has multiple juice-running capabilities. also, is reported to grow potatoes like nobody's fucking business.
Weaknesses: Flagarant pussy.
Quote: "I'm gettin laid tonight guys."
Jaime Palomo
Real Name: Dumb Spick
Classification: registered sex offender
Group Affiliation: Formerly of the Kliq, now a member of the Palomo-nobody seems to know her last name marriage
Strengths: level 12 door-locking power. Level 29 drinking ability. Has certain mind powers over dumb sluts and japanese women.
Weaknesses: Flaming homosexual when drunk. Can never find anyone to spoon with. Also has been said by ex girlfriends to "not be able to wah wah wah share his emotions wah wah i'm a dumb slut"
Quote: "No one will spoon with me!!!"
Garrett Irvin
Real Name: Puff
Classification: Fucking weird ass guy
Group Affiliation: Kliq, NAMBLA (both of them)
Strengths: Can lose and gain weight like no other. Has omnipotence in the realm of fucked-up shit and weird things. Among others, this gives him the ability to say the dumbest shit you will ever hear in your entire life. Also has level 4 threesome capabilities.
Weaknesses: Odd attraction to extremely young girls and Matt Saxton.
Titus Yang
Real Name: Ty
Classification: Convicted Felon
Group Affiliation: Kliq, formerly of the Mt. Pleasant correctional facility where he worked as a prisoner
Strengths: Ability to see through windows by smashing a girl's head through it and saying "what do you see out there, bitch? huh?" Also has the ability to sleep on command, even when not commanded.
Weaknesses: The fattest, most worthless gook you will ever meet. Also requires occassional stomach-pumping to stay alive.
Quote: "You drive a hard bargain."
Jason Butler
Real Name: Jaybut
Classification: KP's source of income
Group Affiliation: Kliq, also a member of the KP squad, which consists solely of himself and the KP
Strengths: The ability to make large quantities of money without ever actually spending a dime on himself. Also possesses ability to break any cradle....eventually. Will river your dumb ass every fucking time, so do not call.
Weaknesses: Cannot walk straight due to an extremely large "member" according to testimonies given by a certain KP, even though she was not asked. Although he makes insane amounts of money for single guy living at home, he is unable to save any due to his expensive KP, DVD, TV, Portable everything, and loaning habits.
Thom McGarey
Real Name: Thunder Thom
Classification: Armed Service reject
Group Affiliation: Kliq
Strengths: No physical strengths can be detected, but we can be sure that if there are any, all of them lie below shoulder-level. Possesses the ability to piss anyone if he is angered even slightly, which usually only happens on an hourly basis.
Weaknesses: Arms are detchable. Has the worst ADD of anyone, ever. Can, however, be distracted for hours on end by episodes of Buffy, Angel, and Family Guy. It is rumored that he is petrified of sunlight. Also cannot possibly ever make it through any armed forces training, which must be horrible as even Maher managed to get through boot camp in under 2 years......barely.
Well, dude, uuuh, there you have it.