Dec 21, 2005 04:35
I got the time off for next week. OMG, being with Blas for a whole week is gonna roxx0rs so very very hard. XD I fangirl. XD I can't wait to meet his family, though it IS seven years overdue. I also wanna see what he got me for Christmas. Hee. ^^ I plan on spending Christmas Day baking and preparing for the trip. I thought it'd be a nice idea to put together a gift basket for his mom by way of a present as well as a nice gesture. I'll be making three loaves of bread: a breakfast bread, which will most likely be glazed raisin, a lunch loaf which will be a cheese bread perhaps, and a dinner loaf which will be garlic. Blas said they loved garlic in his house. <3 I asked him if his mom drank coffee, which she doesn't, but takes tea so I'm gonna put a few of our tea samplers in with the other stuff. And if it's still there, the dachsund desk calendar we have (she owns three of them!). Hello last minute shopping on Saturday! XD;;; Can't help it, man -- I don't get monies till Friday morning and I work that night! XD Gods, it's gonna be TORTURE surviving this weekend. I might just sleep through all of Saturday. XD Oh wait, shopping. Durhey. Blas said he'd come early Monday morning, which I so prefer. He can whisk me away pretty much whenever he wants to. =^^= I continue to fangirl. XD
Outside of my squeeing, Dean liked the hat I bought for him at the game last Saturday. He asked me what he owed me for it and I said nothing. I think it's cool how I don't have to leave any kinda note with the little things I drop off in his mailbox -- if it's Giants gear, he knows it's from me. ^^ He's awesome. Maybe he'll return the favor and gank me something if he goes to the game in Washington. XD Hurray for planting the seeds of obligation, bwahaha! XD Though I honestly wouldn't care if he did or not. :3
Golly, what else is there? Oh yeah, got a small customer gripe from last night's shift. Some lady comes up to my counter and asks me if we do giftcards. Thinking she meant setting one up, I directed her towards the registers where all of the different GCs were. She corrected me by stating she wanted to know if we accepted them as payment, which we do. Upon confirmation, she orders a small chai, then mentions something about other Starbucks not accepting them. I politely inform her we're not a Starbucks. So what does she do? Tells me to forget about the chai and leaves quickly. I had to trans abort and for my reason I wrote "Stupid corporate whore". I showed it to Kev and he cracked up. I always enjoy leaving funny reasons if its wholly the customer's fault and not mine. Hell, it's rare that it's my error; I can usually catch my mistakes before hitting total. But whatever. I hope she enjoys the bitterness that is Starbucks chai -- ours is far too delicious to be shared with the likes of her. I have spoken. Though on the subject of our chai, I can't help but notice how, when made with just water, our choco mint flavor tastes remarkably like spearmint gum. I think they overdid the mint in that batch. XD
I think that's really about it. Yup. That's it.