Life Update, or something quite like it

Jul 08, 2005 13:06

I figured while I'm on break from coloring one of my more complicated art pieces, I'd write up a post about how my life's been going thus far.

Earlier this week, Wednesday to be exact, I went and got a new driver's test appointment for the 17th of this month so hopefully I can have the license issue settled once and for all before Otakon. Just like I'd planned. ^^ Then I did a bunch of other miscellanous stuff like get soda and the like. Yesterday was full of the run-around, especially after Mom decided she'd had enough of the mess in the living room (namely speaking all of me and Julia's art stuff, like books and whatnot), so after boxing the books I actually used, I said that if I was gonna move my work downstairs to the basement (where Octane is), I'd need a new desk chair since the one I'd been using previously was rickety and uncomfortable. So Mom and I head out for Staples. I saw a couple of desks for sale and figured since my old one was broken and had been broken since I recovered it from the backyard, I'd just buy a new one.

We ran around for a good hour and a half before finally finding something in the Wal-Mart by my work. A proper desk that was still small enough to fit in the basement without impeding movement from the stairs to the niche with the computer desks. After lugging it home and eating dinner, we went back to Staples and grabbed their cheapest chair (and a desk lamp with a neato organizer attached to the base). Then we got to putting the desk together. That was a feat in itself, but Dad helped us (while we watched Silverado on AMC; just who ISN'T in that movie!? XD) and after much difficulty, Mom and I transported the pieces downstairs to the spot I'd spent a good hour clearing (mountains of dirt and wall crumblings; I needed a frickin' SHOVEL to get it all out) and finished piecing it together. The desk has a modesty panel, but we actually put it on upside down so it's more like an immodesty panel since it doesn't serve its intended purpse at all. XD But that's okay, the wall can look up the skirts I never wear all it likes. :p

I ended up putting in the shelves and single drawer myself, and yes, I was very proud of myself for that. Then I struggled with the damn chair (easy assembly my ass), begged help off Julia, then finally got it all working. My life is a sitcom sometimes, I swear. Everything's scripted to achieve the maximum amount of at-my-expense amusement. XD Or maybe I'm just lousy at putting things together; memories of my first and only attempt at a garage kit comes to mind. Poor Umi, the victim of my pisspoor attempts at model-building. ^^;; Meticulous detail? Nah, gimmie the hammer instead! XD

I fixed the desk up all pretty and am now working on the aforementioned art piece before I have to suffer the braindead masses tonight. We have a goddamn book signing for some author who writes the kind of trash the common people are reading nowadays (the kind of rubbish that brings my poor sister to tears) and it starts at 7:30 of all things. So, potentially, Chris and I will get a two-hour lull before the drooling morons of the county come pouring in to ask us for drinks by the wrong name and bitch when they get what they asked for. Aiya. And apparently, Libbi is trying to hijack my Fridays. Not cool. Okay, maybe working the first two days of the week would be okay (helluva long off-time period, though; I think I'd get bored), but I LIKE my Fridays. I love working with Jackie or whoever else they put me with. Fridays make up the most of my tips since no one comes in on Mondays, let alone tips! And any day in the middle of the week would totally fuck with my system (three days off in a row allows for a lot getting done, like refamiliarizing myself with the road) and generally make me a cranky panda. No no, those Fridays be mine! *hoardes my precious hour lunch break*

Foo. Nearly 1:30. Julia should be rousing herself soonish; good thing I shower at 3:30. I should fix my clock so I can keep it on my desk and not have to strain to see the clock on Octane when at my art desk. *does so* There. Now I can continue working and not have to worry about the time. Yeehaw.

That is all. Oh yeah, I get to work Potter Night, whee! Stories will definately come out of that event, oh yes. ^^
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